Kanye has officially went full retard. Calls Trump his "brother". (Wears MAGA hat, Trump cosigns)

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Think that a man who said that Neo Nazis are good people and tried to get the Central Park Five lynched is a good President, brehs

My people suffer for lack of wisdom

-sigh- Just give me Biafra so I won’t have to hear about Kanyechukwu West anymore

I'm definitely trying to get out of this country soon.

Kanye needs to take a trip to Africa to reconnect with his blackness....this house nikka bs ain't wavy.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Only a few I agree with. The not renewing for black people thing, the David Duke thing and like two other things on that list. Some others on it I interpret as him just saying whatever he has to to win. The thing about the bad neighborhoods is true:yeshrug:

Rest of the shyt about Mexicans, Hispanics I don’t care about.

Probably is racist. And y’all free to to hate him. I never said you weren’t. Just seemed like a lot of y’all were bandwagon of some shyt you precvied

Whether or not you "agree" with the whole list is not my concern.
Even if only a few of these are true (and there's more than a few), that makes your original point that Trump has no effect on black people wrong. :ufdup:
Aug 10, 2015
Please quote me where i called trump a racist. Or that my disdain for him is because he 'says mean things.' U say i bend words, hell u create false narratives out of thin air to attack. U tell me which is worse.

And you're right, there is nothing rational about putting irrational feelings into politics. I do believe it is completely within bounds of rational thought to make a measured assessment of ones character based upon their actions and decide whether his leadership would spell either goodwill or harm for tha ppl who live under his presidency, which is what i did.

I can't say for sure whether trump is an outright racist; i have my own personal feelings but frankly they're not relevant to tha discussion at hand. In my informed opinion, based upon his past behavior/statements, trump is an arrogant, ignorant, hard headed and narrow minded individual whose continued presidency will most likely bring upon significant ramifications for tha citizens of America who don't represent a certain demographic, with black ppl recieving tha brunt of those ramifications. Interestingly enough you have consistently displayed all of those character traits during our conversation. Maybe tht explains why you are so tolerant of him. Is it possible you see yourself in him?
You can call it tolerance or me just not caring. As iv said; Iv witnessed not many negatives for black people During his reign. Right now, it seems Muslims are getting “the brunt” of his focus. They are the ones that should probably hate his ass.

But this whole convo has just been nothing but opinions. I simply asked for facts of things he’s done/said and only one person had provided anything while the rest of you call me a cac just because I don’t agree with what we you’re saying. Y’all nikkas like to hivemind and try to bully anyone who don’t go along with it
Aug 10, 2015
Whether or not you "agree" with the whole list is not my concern.
Even if only a few of these are true (and there's more than a few), that makes your original point that Trump has no effect on black people wrong. :ufdup:
Most of those were from the past, tho. Like the tenants thing. It could or couldn’t play a part now,:yeshrug:

Which is what I was asking about. I was asking about things he’s done now/his policies that effect us now.

Like I said; I don’t care about him either, I’m just not seething mad at him like a lot of you are, and have benefited well from him being president than I ever have under Obama.

I just asked for facts because I’m not aware of shyt he says or do because I don’t keep up with his fukkery. Ever some nikka said to me “JUST ADMIT YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HES DONE AND MOVE ON” when Iv literally said that. That’s how emotional a lot of you are about this :bryan:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
How does tht response not equate to what i said? What i said was in a harsher tone but thts basically tha sentiment of your response. 'As long as i'm straight that's all tht matters. fukk them other nikkas.':mjpls: A selfish way of thinking.

What a lazy copout response. You can create whatever strawman image you want to in your mind to justify tha bs u spew.

It ain't about what he's done, (Although he has been found implementing racially discriminatory housing practices) its about who he is. U can hear it in tha rhetoric he uses, tha ppl he's appointed to his cabinet, tha overall sentiments of his most strident supporters. I don't need to get bit by a rattlesnake to know it's an animal i should avoid, its reputation precedes itself. But i guess some of u dunces are hellbent on ignoring common sense until u learn tha hard way and it bites u in tha heel.

Hey tha jackson family and their associates were doing well in tha 80s. I guess tht just speaks to how good of a President Ronald Reagan was 4 black ppl, idk why they don't like him:troll:

Idk why nikkas like to take their own linited narrow minded experience in life and extrapolate it as if it's an accurate standard to judge tha experiences of millions. 'Hey I'm doing good, why aren't you? Must be something wrong with you':mjpls: comes off as condescending and naive/sheltered.

For tha record i don't align myself with either party. I realized a long time ago tht both parties are two heads of tha same monster, who act to maintain tha current system of white supremacy running tha west; to tha detriment of black ppl.
Dont waste time arguing with that cac. Just neg him and keep it pushing.

Black Steph Curry

Lines are being drawn in the sand.
Jan 3, 2017
Huntsville, AL
You can call it tolerance or me just not caring. As iv said; Iv witnessed not many negatives for black people During his reign. Right now, it seems Muslims are getting “the brunt” of his focus. They are the ones that should probably hate his ass.

But this whole convo has just been nothing but opinions. I simply asked for facts of things he’s done/said and only one person had provided anything while the rest of you call me a cac just because I don’t agree with what we you’re saying. Y’all nikkas like to hivemind and try to bully anyone who don’t go along with it
Tomato tomãto at tha bolded. And tht wasn't your original question. You asked why ppl on here dislike Trump. Although i didn't say it initially, i explained to u why trump is disliked by most on here and irl using sound reasoning. Whether u feel tha reasons i gave were legitimate or not, thts your opinion. I just wanna be sure your opinion is based in sound reasoning and a hollistic perspective, not faulty anecdotal evidence. Tha generalisations goin on at tha end ain't got nuthin to do with me. I never called u a cac. You should save tht rant 4 tha nikkas it applies to.


Great Value Man™
Nov 14, 2014
That hat is to cover up the cranial scars
Next project finna be a country album
Aug 10, 2015
Tomato tomãto at tha bolded. And tht wasn't your original question. You asked why ppl on here dislike Trump. Although i didn't say it initially, i explained to u why trump is disliked by most on here and irl using sound reasoning. Whether u feel tha reasons i gave were legitimate or not, thts your opinion. I just wanna be sure your opinion is based in sound reasoning and a hollistic perspective, not faulty anecdotal evidence. Tha generalisations goin on at tha end ain't got nuthin to do with me. I never called u a cac. You should save tht rant 4 tha nikkas it applies to.
Yeah. That is what I asked. And you gave opinions. You didn’t give me links or quotes or anything. Just said he was Sketchy. Only person who provided anything was @The Black Panther :heh:

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006

Both sides. Love over all.


He's really reading of a script with this nonsense.

"I want you dead ******, go back to Africa" "I wish slavery was still alive". :smugbiden:

"It's all love brother, we can overcome":mjcry:

Just recently, we had a racist kill 4 minorities. This is beyond trolling.

fukk this c00n.

He got the racist TRump supporters fukking with him
He's now they token negro.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Most of those were from the past, tho. Like the tenants thing. It could or couldn’t play a part now,:yeshrug:

Which is what I was asking about. I was asking about things he’s done now/his policies that effect us now.

Every moment in Trump’s charged relationship with race

DEC. 9, 2016

Thanks African-Americans who did and didn’t vote. At a “thank you” rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump says African-American voters came through for him, arguing that those who stayed home did it in order to help him.

DEC. 15, 2016

Trump again thanks blacks who did not vote, this time at a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

MARCH 8, 2017

Trump language has been “hurtful” to African-Americans. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., tells the president in a White House meeting that his words have been “hurtful,” “offensive,” and not helpful to the black community.

APRIL 17, 2017

White nationalist says he acted because of the president. A white nationalist leader facing charges he assaulted an African-American protester in 2016 defends himself in a court filing by claiming he was acting based on the words of then-candidate Trump.

MAY 1, 2017

“Why was there a Civil War?” Trump asks in an interview on Sirius/XM, questioning why the Civil War couldn’t have been avoided.

MAY 5, 2017

Questions HBCU funding. In a signing statement for $1.1 trillion funding bill, the president points to $20 million in funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities as potentially being unconstitutionally based on race.

AUG. 12, 2017

Condemns “many sides” for Charlottesville racial violence. After a white nationalist attending a rally drove a car into a crowd, killing one protester and injuring many more, Trump condemns “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides.” He did not mention white supremacists or nationalists specifically.

SEPT. 22, 2017

“Fire” players protesting over minority treatment. Trump said NFL owners should fire “son of a bytch” players who kneel during the National Anthem to protest police brutality against people of color.

SEPT. 24, 2017

Athletes “disrespecting our Flag.” As protests increase, Trump tweets that NFL players who refuse to stand during the national anthem are disrespectful.

NOV. 29, 2017

Far-right nationalist retweet. Trump retweeted three anti-Muslim tweets from British far-right leader Jayda Fransen, drawing widespread criticism. The White House said Trump was “elevat[ing] the conversation to talk about a real threat.”

DEC.23, 2017

Haitian immigrants and Nigerians. The New York Times reports in an Oval Office meeting in June, Trump said Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS” and Nigerians would never “go back to their huts.”

The Minister Of Culture

Nov 18, 2016
That hat is to cover up the cranial scars
Next project finna be a country album


if he do him and his stans gonna try and convince everyone that it aint trash (like this new album bout to be:sas2:)

they gonna be on that "oh y'all ears are 50 years behind so y'all can't even comprehend the masterpiece your listening to yet" ass shyt :mjlol:

like digesting music is quantum computing :mjlol:

Black Steph Curry

Lines are being drawn in the sand.
Jan 3, 2017
Huntsville, AL
Yeah. That is what I asked. And you gave opinions. You didn’t give me links or quotes or anything. Just said he was Sketchy. Only person who provided anything was @The Black Panther :heh:
Tha bolded is an outright lie. Only reason i ain't provide quotes n links is bcuz a:

With as much media attention n scrutiny trump gets on a daily basis, i didn't feel it was necessary to restate what had already been exhaustively detailed by tha media. Only way you'd be ignorant of trumps modus operandi is if you've been living under a rock.

and b:

Why would i go through looking 4 evidence when ppl in this thread are already doing tht 4 ne?