the attention whore press tour for his album continues

I hope he's seriously trolling us with this.
Nah it's a glitch. He's actually gained 200k since the rant started.
Mayweather has black kids by black women and is self made with the assistance of a black godfather who’s steadily building his own empire while laying the blueprint for other black hustlers to follow in his footsteps. Mayweather talks c00nish but lives black empowerment. We don’t know whether he’s just playing the game to keep the heat at bay or not. His existence is a challenge to white supremacy. Kanye is just a sunken place c00n. He’s gone.Kanye saw how c00ning hasn't affected mayweather negatively at all and he's following the template, if trump supporters get on baord and buy his albums, that will increase sales and if not he still has the support of "forgiven and tolerant" black people to fall back on. It's a win win situation from his perspective.
Bunch a save-a-c00ns in here:
Mayweather: “but but but he’s rich and got money!”
Kanye: “but but his new album coming out.”