Lets discuss this turncoat
Put yourself in Kakarot's shoes for a second. You grow up raised by your grandpa and living life but you know you're different. Your hair never grows or sheds. You have a fukking tail...you are way more powerful than everyone. You turn into a giant rampaging ape if there is ever a full moon. YOU ARE NOT NORMAL.
You grow up, have a family, marry an earth woman
, your SON has the same characteristics. This is the biggest unknown in your life. There is nobody else on earth like you.
One day, a man visits and answers ALL of your life's questions
. He looks like you...HAS A TAIL like YOU had...
This man is YOUR BROTHER. and this isn't too farfetched for your world...you've fought demons, etc....Raditz tells you everything about yourself. Tells you about your race etc. Raditz breaks down the deal that the Saiyans are in with The Planet Trade Corp. Even if you don't want to kill everyone...how can you not try to rationalize with Raditz...hear him out...visit his boss, something...find more of your people...
what do you do? YOU SIDE with a DEMON who tried to kill you and take over the world and fight him
YOU ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS DEATH. Master Roshi called out how much of a sell out you are "No matter his past, he is ONE OF US now".
Years later....two MORE saiyans arrive. Nappa and Vegeta. Vegeta is the PRINCE of the people you are a part of...the remaining saiyans...two more are here now. And what do you do?
even worse you rally all of your homies to jump your ONLY relative
Listen to this bloodthirsty RACIST Krillin
and yet goku views him as his best friend
even WORSE Look at what Freiza did:
and CACarot does not give a fukk until his racist best friend got hurt
Furthermore...Goku is dying from eating too many burgers...AS VEGETA'S SON TRUNKS told him......does he give his Prince Vegeta his energy to help destroy the androids? Like Vegeta has repeatedly? Nope...he dies and leaves the world to rot, when Vegeta probably could've handled the androids with Goku's energy. That creates a future where...
his SON gets MURDERED....that leaves the fate of the entire planet to Prince Trunks, who then goes back and saves Kakarot on the strength of the Saiyan people.
Cell is born, and instead of joining up with the most saiyans who have ever been on earth at once: Trunks, Vegeta, and Gohan...what does he do? Take turns, abandons them, and costs Trunks...who again...SAVED THE ENTIRE PLANET, his life
And Cell then destroys gohan, while Kakarot watches.
He doesn't even love his son, one of the two other remaining saiyans on earth.
Vegeta made it clear
NOTHING is more important than saiyan pride. Belief in your saiayan brothers and taking care of each other. Vegeta explained it clearly
"would you believe...i started to think the earth was a nice place to live
Kakarot is responsible for the death of every Saiayan after Planet Vegeta destroyed. He never sides with his people, he married an earth woman, he leaves his saiyan brothers to die all the time, and he does nothing to protect his people.
These were the last real saiayans alive:
The worst part of it all
Kakarot could've wished Planet Vegeta back at ANY POINT. Or made a NEW Planet Vegeta like they did Namek. But no...he doesn't love his people.
Kakarot is a SELLOUT.
Put yourself in Kakarot's shoes for a second. You grow up raised by your grandpa and living life but you know you're different. Your hair never grows or sheds. You have a fukking tail...you are way more powerful than everyone. You turn into a giant rampaging ape if there is ever a full moon. YOU ARE NOT NORMAL.
You grow up, have a family, marry an earth woman

One day, a man visits and answers ALL of your life's questions

This man is YOUR BROTHER. and this isn't too farfetched for your world...you've fought demons, etc....Raditz tells you everything about yourself. Tells you about your race etc. Raditz breaks down the deal that the Saiyans are in with The Planet Trade Corp. Even if you don't want to kill everyone...how can you not try to rationalize with Raditz...hear him out...visit his boss, something...find more of your people...
what do you do? YOU SIDE with a DEMON who tried to kill you and take over the world and fight him

YOU ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS DEATH. Master Roshi called out how much of a sell out you are "No matter his past, he is ONE OF US now".

Years later....two MORE saiyans arrive. Nappa and Vegeta. Vegeta is the PRINCE of the people you are a part of...the remaining saiyans...two more are here now. And what do you do?

even worse you rally all of your homies to jump your ONLY relative
Listen to this bloodthirsty RACIST Krillin

and yet goku views him as his best friend
even WORSE Look at what Freiza did:
and CACarot does not give a fukk until his racist best friend got hurt

Furthermore...Goku is dying from eating too many burgers...AS VEGETA'S SON TRUNKS told him......does he give his Prince Vegeta his energy to help destroy the androids? Like Vegeta has repeatedly? Nope...he dies and leaves the world to rot, when Vegeta probably could've handled the androids with Goku's energy. That creates a future where...

his SON gets MURDERED....that leaves the fate of the entire planet to Prince Trunks, who then goes back and saves Kakarot on the strength of the Saiyan people.
Cell is born, and instead of joining up with the most saiyans who have ever been on earth at once: Trunks, Vegeta, and Gohan...what does he do? Take turns, abandons them, and costs Trunks...who again...SAVED THE ENTIRE PLANET, his life

And Cell then destroys gohan, while Kakarot watches.

He doesn't even love his son, one of the two other remaining saiyans on earth.
Vegeta made it clear

"would you believe...i started to think the earth was a nice place to live

Kakarot is responsible for the death of every Saiayan after Planet Vegeta destroyed. He never sides with his people, he married an earth woman, he leaves his saiyan brothers to die all the time, and he does nothing to protect his people.
These were the last real saiayans alive:

The worst part of it all

Kakarot could've wished Planet Vegeta back at ANY POINT. Or made a NEW Planet Vegeta like they did Namek. But no...he doesn't love his people.

Kakarot is a SELLOUT.
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