You're ignoring what I asked.Kai is one of the biggest figures in hiphop is why lol
he just gave his opinion on a album. Something we been doing since I could remember
You could review an album one would care. As they shouldn't...not because no one knows you...but because what are your credentials in music that give your critique merit?
So popularity alone = Qualification in any and all fields? Your word should be bond and hold weight? Copy. I'm just asking man. So Cardi B having influence on who her fans vote for is just some "What's the problem??!" type shh!t right? That's what you on? Salute to you.
Who gives a fk what Ja Rule thinks! Again, Kai/Cardi B/whoever aren't the issue, I'm not mad at them and their's the people/fans who carry their opinions like Law, like they're scholarly opinions, lol. Lil Baby aint tight because of his opinion...he's tight because he knows his uninformed, unprofessional opinion has influence over his followers
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