Yeah I think the production is strong on Enter The Iron Trap, some great songs on that 1.I've yet to venture beyond Universal Curriculum- aside from hearing the title track to Conception of Concept(thinking it was from the second album). I'm keeping from listening to this one at the moment, but the production from the bit I heard sounded nice.
'Conception of Concept' is one of my favorite tracks so far, for which I'll probably do lyrics first. Still working out the occasional kink in the translation. I can't figure out what he says before "cornucopia" and after "similes" in verse one. Then in verse two: "Now my cranium's [inflamed?] with ganglion" and "Total awareness of every compound that surrounds me. Below and above ground [ ? ]".
"Slippin from the coc00n, developed and enhanced
Then flutters just like a butterfly, and delicately lands"..
Conception of thought...^
Yeah waiting on that definitely, Conception Of Concept an ill track.
A lot of notable lyrics and concepts throughout the albums.
There will be a lot of ill shyt people sleep on too because it's so much dopeness, some shyt people will have to revisit.