Just watched a documentary on the Darfur Genocide


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
any way to escape accountability huh
No l am pointing out the facts and reality since the information is very one sided. I am not absolving SCP of accountability but they are getting plenty of help from the local people in darfor as the darfurian woman mentioned.

Unfortunately, they doing a good job fighting among themselves.
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Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
:to:fuk the Janjaweeds. Those Arab Sudanese militia killed more than 2 million Nilotic Sudanese in just a few years. Everytime they ransack a village they'd say "let's kill the slaves". I saw pictures of decapitated africans. Babies who were ripped out of their mother wombs. Fathers burned alive in their huts with the children chained. And this image is repeated a million times all over Darfur. And I know Arab Sudanese who are denying this genocide ever happened.
:pacspit:Arab Sudanese have just replaced Cacs as the Woat People of all time.
:pacspit:Self hating motherfukkers

Thanks for the drop. I'll check it out tonight


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Can the whole Janjaweed thing be classified as the last episode of centuries-long "Arab" razzias against Black/Non-Muslim Africans? Haven't watched the documentary yet nor do I have ton of info on the matter tbh


May 1, 2012
too much committing breh
can't drink, smoke, can't eat pork (the fukk? them shyts is delicious :dahell: ), pray 3-5 times a day facing east while speaking Mahkmud's language who's people have wronged Africa(plus my legs get sleepy), Mosque on fridays:wtf:

I don't really fukk with islam anymore like that either but you just sound like a savage.


Feb 25, 2013
will definitely watch this docu. here is a piece by Dr. Mohammed Jalal A. Hashim a Sudanese writer and lecturer at Khartoum University that digs deeper into that process of arabisation, alienation and stigmatising of blackness in Sudan. resembles a bit what happened and still is happening on a less massive and less violent scale in Mauritania but still.

The Arabization of Sudan

The Scramble for Arab Genealogies
With the weakening of the Christian kingdoms, between the 14th and 16th centuries, new Islamic and Arabized kinglets began appearing and eventually succeeded in replacing the old regime [Yusuf Fadl, 1973; Shibeika, 1991]. The first was the Kunuz (Bani al-Kanz) kingdom around Asuan area in present-day Egyptian Nubia, to be followed a little later by the Rabi?a-Beja Islamic kinglet of Hajar. In the late 15th century the Islamic kinglet of Tegali (Togole) in the Nuba Mountains came into existence. A century later the Ottoman Sultan Selim the Second made a thrust deep in Nubia in the aftermath of which appeared the Northern Nubian Islamic kinglets of the Kushshaf, Mah$as, and Argo. Two centuries later the Fur kingdom of Keira was established upon the fall of the Tunjur kinglet. But the most important was the Funj Sultanate which came into existence in the early 16th century and which succeeded in spreading its influence over most of these kinglets. In fact the unification of such kinglets along with many other tribal shaykhdoms is what has constituted the State in ancient and present-day Sudan.

The Funj Sultanate came into existence with slavery looming in the background and with the black colour fully stigmatized by being synonymous to ‘slave’. By the turn of the 15th century, Soba, the capital of the last Christian kingdom of Allodia, fell at the hands of the Arabized Nubians (known in Sudan as the Arabs) led by ?Abdu Allah Jamma? al-Girenati (‘Jamma?’, an adjective literally meaning the ‘gatherer’ for unifying the divided Arabs (?Arab al-Gawasma); ‘Girenati’, a diminutive adjective literally meaning ‘of the horns’ in reference to the royal horned headgear as was the case in the Christian Kingdoms). Immediately after the fall of Soba, a black African people called the Funj appeared led by ?Amara Dungus. He achieved a treaty with the Arabs after defeating them following which the Funj Sultanate was established. As the founders were mostly blacks, it was also called “al-Salt,ana al-Zarqa’”, i.e. the ‘Black Sultanate’. As it came in response to the growing influence of the Islamo-Arabized Sudanese it explicitly showed an Arab and Islamic orientation. The new formations of Arabized tribes began claiming Arab descent supported with traditionally authenticated genealogies. The transformation from African identity to Arab identity is reflected in the ideological cliché of dropping the ‘matrilineal system’, where descent through the mother’s lineage is only recognized, and adopting the ‘patrilineal system’, where descent through the father’s lineage is only considered. The small family units compensated for their vulnerability by claiming the noble ‘sharif’ descent, i.e. descendants of Prophet Muhammad. Eventually they would be enabled by this claimed descent to appropriate both wealth and power, something the immediate descendants were not ordained to have while Prophet Muhammad was still alive. To be on an equal footing with these tribes in matters pertaining to power and authority, the black Funj also claimed an Umayyad descent. Scholars in Arabic and Islamic sciences from other parts of the Islamic world were encouraged to settle in the Sudan.

The Paradox of the Black Arab who is Anti-Black
Thenceforward the Arabized Africans of middle Sudan will pose as non-black Arabs. Intermarriage with light-skinned people would be consciously sought as a process of cleansing blood from blackness. A long process of identity change has begun; in order to have access to power and to be at least accepted as free humans, African people tended to drop both their identities and languages and replace them with Arabic language and Arab identity. The first step in playing that game is to overtly deplore the blacks and dub them as slaves while being themselves black. A new ideological awareness of race and colour came into being. The shades of the colour of blackness were perceived as authentic racial differentiations [cf. Deng, 1995]. A Sudanese-bound criterion for racial colour was formed by which the light black was seen as an Arab, wad ?Arab and wad balad, i.e. white or at least non-black. The jet-black Sudanese was seen as an African, i.e. slave (?abd). The shades of blackness go as follows, starting from jet-black (aswad), black (azrag, literally blue), brownish-black (akhdar, literally green), light-brownish (gamh%i, i.e. wheat-coloured), then dark-white, which is considered as ‘properly’ white. This last sub-category is paradoxically stigmatized more than the jet-black. Then a host of derogatory terms was generated in the culture and colloquial Arabic of Middle Sudan, which dehumanized the black Africans, such as farikh, gargur, etc. In this context the properly white or light-coloured, as mentioned above, are also discredited. They are given the derogatory name of ‘h%alab’ i.e. gypsy. A Sudanese Arab proverb says that ‘the slaves, i.e. black people, are second class, but the h$alab are third class’.

... make sure to read the rest here African Writing; Essays; Mohammed Jalal Hashim; The Arabization of Sudan


Mad movements!
Sep 27, 2014
They did.


Also I remember during the "Herero and Namaqua Genocide" it was done among a bunch of other horrendous experiments by the Germans. I would need to dig for the article to source it. As well as when the Spanish invaded the Native Americans' lands as cited by Bartholomew De Las Casas. I'm sure if you look for more you could find it.

Yeah that genocide was a test run for the Holocaust.
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