when you are in Ketosis your body uses fat as energy like it would normally use glucose.A lot of people are afraid of carbs. Not saying you are but 20 carbs a day for a grown man isn't adequate enough. Carbs give you energy and strength to go about your day. I understand you want to cut but if you eat healthy and observe what you consume than carbs aren't your problem; Sugars, saturated fats/ fats are.
Low fat, high carb, high protein diet seems more of a suitable fit.
Get your sugars from fruit.
I am still getting plenty of fibre and veggies in my diet. Just non starchy ones like spinach, broccoli and green veggies like that.
avoiding all those starchy foods has actually been very noticeable for me on a day to day.
No bread, rice, or pasta as well and I'm feeling pretty daamn good, no loss of energy yet. and I'm over 30 days in on this(doin 90 days)
Im also avoiding fruit because of all the sugars that they contain. after the 90 days the fruit will be the first thing I will bring back.
I haven't had the glucose spikes at all....or the crashes. I've been more consistent and steady.