Just saw The Purge Anarchy (Minor Spoilers)


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
Is it nikka hunting season again? Yes, the return of the Purge. Where one day of the year, to reduce crime. It becomes legal to kill. Now as is stated there are spoilers. If you don't wanna know, read no further.

Now, this time, they ain't hunting nikkas. They getting their Ryan Gosling/Karl Malone on and hunting little Mexican/Latina girls. A woman named Eva and her annoying daughter. The other two who are hunted are a married white couple who have some major martial issues. The star of this is Frank Grillo who plays a charcter name Sergeant. He's basically carries this film with his acting. He's a mysterious character because of instead hiding like everybody else he's on the streets while the Purge is on. You find out at the end of the film why?

Bottom line, I felt like did at the end of the 1st. 70% average below average movie. Then the last 30 minutes it's what it should have been the whole movie. Just about every stereotype of horror films is in this. Character falling down and can't walk. Screaming, crying, yelling. Basically, the Latina women (mother and daughter get hunted. They get resuced and you spend the next hour with them, the White couple and Frank Grillo.

The problem with this film is there is no good villians. You see glimpes of potential villians. The biggest one with potential is in advertisement of this movie
A character by the name of God. He and gang walk around with masks. And look dope but they never develop them into a killer team. You'll find out why at the end
. So yeah, there are killings but none make you like "Dang, that was cold. Did you see what he did to so and so? It's just stabbings, shootings and you have no connections nor emotions.

Other problem is Frank Grillo should have been by himself. Story would have been way more interesting if he turned into your typical action hero/horror film hero. But he has to drag these 4 idiots which basically slow him down. And the ironic thing is he tells them "If you slow me down, I'm cutting you off". But he never does. Now, at times the married couple at times has some humor. But the Latina's women daughter really ruins this movie. Constantly asking dumb questions like a little kid. Trying to preach Grillo about the Purge. Just annoying.

But as I said the last 30 minutes are satisfactory. Way more action where Frank is good. One surprise character really steals the show. For the Wire fans, you will be satisfied with whom it is.
That nikka Omar came in there and crush the buildings. He plays a revolutionary who is against the Purge. Has a band nikkas with guns who go around killing these rich white folks. When he and his crew appears it's one of the best parts of the film
The ending was cool. But it's not enough to save this film to be considered good. But bottom line if you like the 1st one. You might like this one a little better. Since it's not just in one place. But going around the city. Though it's pretty pointless at times. Bad acting between the Latinas. And overall just making the same mistakes of not delivery like the first. C-

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
Let me know why:

1. He's a mysterious character because of instead hiding like everybody else he's on the streets while the Purge is on. You find out at the end of the film why?

A character by the name of God. He and gang walk around with masks. And look dope but they never develop them into a killer team. You'll find out why at the end


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
Let me know why:

1. He's a mysterious character because of instead hiding like everybody else he's on the streets while the Purge is on. You find out at the end of the film why?

A character by the name of God. He and gang walk around with masks. And look dope but they never develop them into a killer team. You'll find out why at the end
Let me know why:

1. He's a mysterious character because of instead hiding like everybody else he's on the streets while the Purge is on. You find out at the end of the film why?

A character by the name of God. He and gang walk around with masks. And look dope but they never develop them into a killer team. You'll find out why at the end
His son is killed by a drunk driver. The drunk driver goes to trial but is not convicted. He goes to kill the guy who kills his som
He's not a Purger. But goes around for money hunting people for the rich so they can get killed. Sorta like a Bounty Hunter. But he and his crew woulda been cold with it if they were killers


I miss LLC Twitter
May 10, 2012
eh, the "messaging" of the first was heavy-handed and focused only on one family for no justifiable reason. I'm a little annoyed they made a second one as though we didn't get the point the first time.

Did it get graphic, btw?

It reminds me of that movie The Strangers a little bit, except I got really angry when it was over and I was at a free screening of it. Ha, thanks for the summary. I'll just watch when it's on cable.


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
eh, the "messaging" of the first was heavy-handed and focused only on one family for no justifiable reason. I'm a little annoyed they made a second one as though we didn't get the point the first time.

Did it get graphic, btw?

It reminds me of that movie The Strangers a little bit, except I got really angry when it was over and I was at a free screening of it. Ha, thanks for the summary. I'll just watch when it's on cable.
eh, the "messaging" of the first was heavy-handed and focused only on one family for no justifiable reason. I'm a little annoyed they made a second one as though we didn't get the point the first time.

Did it get graphic, btw?

It reminds me of that movie The Strangers a little bit, except I got really angry when it was over and I was at a free screening of it. Ha, thanks for the summary. I'll just watch when it's on cable.
Other then finding some bloody bodies, nothing graphic. Welcome


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
The 1st sucked because they only had a 3 million budget so thats why it was turned into a home invasion movie with a dope concept and this one got the bigger budget so we got to see the inner city.

I hope there is a 3rd one with Omar going after the founding fathers


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I really liked this….very surprised, haven't even seen the first one. Was not expecting something so tense, violent, and genuinely compelling, even horrific in parts. Of course, some of the acting is way overdone, and some of the lines are awful, it could have been much better in the hands of a more artistically inclined director, but, this was a quality movie. Best horror movie in a long time, with poignant social commentary on a few levels. I didn't real care for the rebel subplot and Michael K Williams dressed up like Spike Lee in a Mad Tv sketch, but I could live with it. The movie channels 'Judgement Night' in some parts, and 'Night Of The Living Dead' in others, suburban horror and the evil lurking all around us, unleashed upon us. Loved the scene at their friends house. A little subtlety throughout could have made this a truly amazing movie, better cinematography, score, etc….as it is though, it's a fukking great movie, for what it is. Frank Grillo was great, esp as the movie progressed. Eerie and creepy images, loved the city as the Purge descends upon it, though a little more artistic inclination could have made it a classic dystopian thriller. It's a very worthy addition to the genre though.

1. That the rich will kill the poor for fun, and justify the inequality the way they do everything else
2. The way the rich Purge
3. The way Purge gives the everyday idiot the opportutniy to be someday, and the way the poor uneducated, ignorant will support the government blindly when convenient for them, despite that it's put in place to hurt them

Some good social commentary, bloody violence, shocking at times, one of the more entertaining movies I've seen this year. The rebel subplot was the least favorite, and unneeded and hackneyed. Better to keep it isolated, chaotic, and have it hit home harder, rather then turn into a Hunger Games, Lion Witch and Wardrobe sort of thing.