You're projecting. You know can't support your claims, so you resort to this.
The history of Democrats and Republican alignment shifting is well known. However, you still operate under the belief that things are still the same as they were pre-party alignment, which is why you said this: "if I had a choice, I´ll choose the Republicans"
Let's have a deeper look at what you said:
"-Democrats were the one who wanted to continue slavery in the 1800s"
It was true in the past that Southern Democrats supported slavery in the 1800s, but the Democrats and Republicans underwent major ideological shifts since then, and especially during the Civil Rights Movement, where those Southern Democrats, thanks to the Southern Strategy, shifted to the Republican party.
"-Confederate flag was made by Southern Democrats in the 1800s"
The Confederate flag represented the Confederacy, not a political party, and was used to symbolize pro-slavery rebellion against the United States. The people who flay that flag today are all under the Republican party. The Republicans are the defenders of the flag and it is aligned with right-wing ideologies, not Democratic ones.
"-KKK are Democrats"
The KKK was historically aligned with Southern Democrats during Reconstruction, but, again, its ideology and support shifted over to the Republicans. In the 20th century, and especially post-Civil Rights era, the KKK and other white supremacist groups overwhelmingly supported conservative, Republican candidates. They rally hard for Trump and the Republicans in genera. This one was especially embarrassing for you.
"-Feminists are democrats... nuff said"
Once again, this proves what it's all about with you backwards freaks. "Western Chauvinism" doesn't include you losers. And feminism is just about gender equality. Your statement is dumb because it oversimplifies complex social advocacy as merely a partisan stance.
"-Darwinism (Theory that black people weren´t mentally developed as white people and close to apes), was created and supported by Democrats"
Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific theory and is not inherently racist. It has no direct ties to any political party. People who misused Darwin's work to justify racist beliefs is a distortion. That kind of pseudoscience was supported by individuals across political spectrums in the past. If you are talking about today. There is only one place where you can find racial pseudoscience that posits Black people being inherently inferior to white people, and that's - you guessed it - the Republican party. It's where all the Hereditarians congregate.
Now, let's look at what you said about the Transatlantic Slave Trade: "I don't believe the Transatlantic Slave Trade happened at all"
Now you are trying to move the goalposts by claiming: "I argued the extent of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, not that it never happened."
Why lie when all we have to do is go back a few pages to see your words?
Make a substantial argument w/ evidence refuting the overwhelming historical evidence that proves the Transatlantic Slave Trade happened.
You are literally admitting my facts in what I bolded. You have not refuted anything I said in my posts, all you did was explain it away
From your dumbass post: "Darwin's theory of evolution is not inherently racist and had no ties to the Democratic Party"
U.S. Scientists' Role in the Eugenics Movement (1907–1939): A Contemporary Biologist's Perspective - PMC
"It was Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin, who coined the term “eugenics” in 1883 while advocating that society should promote the marriage of what he felt were the fittest individuals by providing monetary incentives.1 Shortly thereafter, many intellectuals and political leaders (e.g., Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill, John Maynard Keynes, and Woodrow Wilson) accepted the notion that modern societies, as a matter of policy, should promote the improvement of the human race through various forms of governmental intervention. While initially this desire was manifested as the promotion of selective breeding, it ultimately contributed to the intellectual underpinnings of state-sponsored discrimination, forced sterilization, and genocide."
Unfit to Breed: America’s Dark Tale of Eugenics | NIH Intramural Research Program
Acceptance of eugenics was prevalent in American society and academia in the early 1900s. For example, many Harvard faculty and graduates espoused these principles. Additionally, well-respected figures at the time such as the Rockefeller family, the Carnegie family, and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson showed vigorous support. In fact, these principles became so popular that Nazi Germany took notice, inspiring the Holocaust. A 1934 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine even addressed this fact, lauding Germany as “perhaps the most progressive nation in restricting fecundity among the unfit,” and noting how “[the American people are probably] not ready for the adoption of the German plan.”
Wait a minute, what Political Party was Woodrow Wilson apart of??
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