The Jewnited States
you should get a part time job instead of wasting your time and money doing drugs and making threads like this.
shut up you square ass fakkit
you should get a part time job instead of wasting your time and money doing drugs and making threads like this.
shut up you square ass fakkit
it would be better to make a little legal cash now instead of having to resort to selling blow j's on the street on your current path which is you in rehab making your mommy cry.
denial is the first sign that you have an issuejust leave the thread.
denial is the first sign that you have an issue
shrooms don't lead to hard drugs. in fact it's the opposite
shrooms don't lead to hard drugs. in fact it's the opposite
damn youre a regular einstien when it comes to drugs. what study did you read that reported this fact?
what can i say, i've historically had a very low tolerance for drugs that affect that part of your brain.