Juror B37 Hates Media, Called Trayvon Martin ‘A Boy of Color’


Aug 12, 2012
A mere two days after finding George Zimmerman innocent of the murder of Trayvon Martin, juror B37 in the case has signed on with a prominent literary agent, as a prelude to a book deal. This juror is a woman who hates the media and went into the trial mistakenly believing there were "riots" over the case.

The video above is the entire voir dire of juror B37— the process during which the attorneys question prospective jurors to determine their suitability. During the questioning, the juror, a mother of two who owns "a lot" of animals, revealed the following things:

- She dislikes the media in general and considers it worthless. "You never get all the information... it's skewed one way or the other."

- "I don't listen to the radio" or read the internet, she said. Her only news about the case came from the Today show. "Newspapers are used in the parrot's cage. Not even read," she said. "It's been so long since I even read one. The only time I see em is when I'm putting them down on the floor."

- During questioning, she referred multiple times to "riots" in Sanford after Trayvon Martin was killed. "I knew there was rioting, but I guess [the authorities] had it pretty well organized," she says at one point. In fact, despite a great deal of salivating anticipation by the media both before and after the trial, there were no riots in Sanford, Florida.

- She referred to the killing of Trayvon Martin as "an unfortunate incident that happened."

- Asked by George Zimmerman's attorney to describe Trayvon Martin, she said, "He was a boy of color."

Juror B37 found George Zimmerman not guilty. Her book will surely make her a lot of money.



Aug 12, 2012
A boy of color?


Is this the mid age woman?

Yep. You made a great guess

B37: The middle-aged white woman is the daughter of an Air Force captain and has been married to a space attorney for 20 years. She has two children, 24 and 27, and works in a management position. During questioning, she told lawyers she knew a "broad spectrum" of names, but she hasn't kept up with the case. "Newspapers are usually in the parrot's cage," she told lawyers. Thursday, she told O'Mara that she had an issue with what kinds of guns people can own, that someone obtaining a concealed weapons permit doesn't mean they will act responsibly and that more training is needed for concealed permit holders. She has three dogs, four cats and "a couple of lizards" and has been called to jury duty four times before this case.

I find it ironic they keep repeating all this stuff about "being anonymous" with the jurors but keep giving us enough details to track them down especially in this internet age.



Aug 12, 2012
Man I'm going to cry all over again. I can't stand white people (most of the time)

As a matter a fact the guess wasn't really good......since now that im checking the descriptions again more than half of them were middle aged white women.

Pretty much the ignorance and backwards mentality were already in them from when they were raised when young.

b. woods

May 5, 2012
Meet the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial

Six women were chosen to serve on the jury in the trial of George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watch captain accused of murder in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The six jurors and four alternates went through a nearly two-week long process of jury selection, where they answered questions about their knowledge of the case and opinions on subjects including guns, law enforcement and media bias.

Below are general descriptions of the jurors, identified by numbers assigned to them by the court to protect their identities:


B-29: Described as a Hispanic woman, who works as a nurse treating patients with Alzheimer's. She has seven children and lived in Chicago at the time of the February 2012 shooting. Supposedly she is black and Hispanic.

B-76: Described as a white middle-aged woman, who said Zimmerman had an "altercation with the young man. There was a struggle, and the gun went off."

B-37: Described as a middle-aged white woman, who works for a chiropractor and has many pets. She described protests in Sanford sparked after the delay in Zimmerman's arrest as "rioting."

B-51: Described as a retired white woman from Oviedo, Fla., who has a dog and 20-year-old cat. She knew a good deal about the case but said, "I'm not rigid in my thinking."

E-6: Described as a young white woman and mother, who used to work in financial services. She used this case as an example to her adolescent children, warning them to not go out at night.

E-40: Described as a white woman in her 60s, who lived in Iowa at the time of the shooting. She heard national news reports and recalls the shooting was in a gated community and a teenager was killed.

E-40: Described as a white man in his 50s. He cautioned his 16-year-old stepson about wearing hoodie, which Trayvon Martin was wearing at the time of the shooting.

B-72: Described as a Hispanic man in his 20s, who works as maintenance technician at a school. He is a self-described power lifter and arm wrestler.

E-13: Described as a white woman in her 20s. She has brother who is black. She says she "never" watches the news, but when she first heard of shooting thought it was a "racial thing."

E-28: Described as a white middle-aged woman, who works as a nurse and says she listens to a lot of radio on her 15-minute commute. She said she knew little about the case and has no opinion about Zimmerman's guilt.

Read more: Meet the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial | Fox News

B-37 = vote to acquit :snoop:
B-51 = probably had the :youngsabo: look on the inside when she said, "I'm not rigid in my thinking."

Those two should definitely not have made it to the jury.

:stopitslime: I KNEW she was a foul juror from the jump. :snoop:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Yep. You made a great guess

B37: The middle-aged white woman is the daughter of an Air Force captain and has been married to a space attorney for 20 years. She has two children, 24 and 27, and works in a management position. During questioning, she told lawyers she knew a "broad spectrum" of names, but she hasn't kept up with the case. "Newspapers are usually in the parrot's cage," she told lawyers. Thursday, she told O'Mara that she had an issue with what kinds of guns people can own, that someone obtaining a concealed weapons permit doesn't mean they will act responsibly and that more training is needed for concealed permit holders. She has three dogs, four cats and "a couple of lizards" and has been called to jury duty four times before this case.

I find it ironic they keep repeating all this stuff about "being anonymous" with the jurors but keep giving us enough details to track them down especially in this internet age.


Florida NASA office staff bios:

Office of the Chief Counsel - Staff Biographies

Should be easy. :leostare: