Before Cam even got cool wit Mase he said he started to understand where Mase was coming from with how things were when he got on. The whole reason they got cool again is because Ma$e broke down some behind the scenes shyt he was going thru with Diddy etc etc.
Nah the shyt mase was pure stunting on cam and them. Not just the horse and carriage situation.
Yea after mase sonned him and put him in his place they cool again.
Jim said mase use it stunt on them so bad. Like for instance he said one day they came off a flight and mase had a new care delivered to the air port.
They walked aside and made showing cam and them the car and mase gets in the car without saying a word and pulls off on all them nikkaz and they had to take taxis and subway home lol.
Him doing that to cam who was his best friend
Having cam and Jimmy and them doing dances behind him on stage while on tour, doing spilts and shyt lol.
Until cam said one day he said “fukk these nikkaz, I ain’t doing This shyt no more”
You don’t treat your best friend like that.
Mase got money and stunted on them nikkaz.
fukk the excuses bout he was young and a lot of money. So was tons of people. Just excuses for your character and who you been wanting to be.
Cam got all them nikkaz to hate mase for two decades. Would randomly diss mase all the time, for not going to guys funeral, and all kinda shyt.
Wasn’t til cam dissed mase again for some random reason and mase son him did they get back friends