Joy Reid about to feel the fire...

Jul 26, 2015
Did she even post anything that bad? I only saw some weak gay jokes. But this is teh network that had all the inhouse gays rally to get Alec Baldwin fired for calling a paparazzi a "cocksucker".

You didn't see the shyt she posted about "the majority of muslims" living in mud huts, only having money and energy to buy AK-47s and fearing they're going to destroy civilization?

It's a joke she hasn't been canned yet.

Bytch has zero credibility.

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
sh1tted on the most powerful Dem constituency and came out alive and thriving

You mean this?

MSNBC’s Joy Reid loses her mind over Dems considering ‘two white guys’ on 2020 ticket | | Media Equalizer
MSNBC host Joy Reid lost her mind over the weekend over a report that Democrats are considering “two white guys” on the 2020 presidential ticket.

During a segment on her MSNBC show “AM Joy,” the panel began discussing reports that Joe Biden is considering Beto O’Rourke to run on his ticket as his vice presidential nominee in 2020.

Reid and her guest, Jason Johnson, could not stomach the idea of a white person — let alone two — running for president on the Democratic side.

JASON JOHNSON: What’s the most important constituency for Democrats in 2020? Black women. And I’ve heard plenty of black women say, if there’s not a black woman on this ticket, I’m not voting, I’m not excited, I’m not enthusiastic.” If the Democratic party wants to run seriously in 2020, they can’t relegate black women to second class. They can’t relegate black women a consolation prize.

JOY REID: They can’t run two white guys. The idea that you have Joe Biden talking to Beto O’Rourke and saying maybe they could be a ticket. I personally find it hard to understand how you get the requisite turnout among voters of color if it’s a two-white-male ticket. I mean, women are going to be outraged if there’s not a woman on the ticket, and voters of color are going to say: well, then why are we participating?”