Dog can you read
1) Posey players in a pitcher park (Absolut this means it's harder to hit hrs) Whereas Ruiz plays in a hitters park yet they put up damn near the same numbers.
2) Ruiz relies on power and brute force - Posey has a swing that look like Will Clark from the otherside( please google that reference). How often does Ruiz hit to opposite field again?
3) Posey anchored the biggest pitching staff since Atl has a rookie to the world series, he is a top 5 defensive catcher as well as has a better arm
4) Where do they hit in their clubs lineup Posey 4, Ruiz 7 on a piece of shyt Phillies team. His own team doesn't respect
5) the x factor who do you fear at the plate Posey or Ruiz who often strikesout with no name value and looks like he is crying when he is announced.
It's ok, you hate the west and the giants I understand. Don't worry your hate is great morning comedy.
you mean slice this preschool analysis up?
1) adjusted ops accounts for park difference, for the umpteenth time. they are hardly "the same numbers" as a 170 ops+ is far better than a 137 ops+
2) completely false statement. how does ruiz rely on power when dude above pointed out he has never hit double digit hrs in his career until this season? ruiz is the better hitter, by a wide margin this season, so not sure what your point was here. you bring up melky leading the league in hits, but neglect the fact that ruiz leads the league in average, and has almost a 200 point edge in ops over posey
3) you cant point out how tough it is to hit at pac bell, then give posey credit for the pitching staff being good, as if cain, timmy etc werent good before posey got there. completely hypocritical statement. ruiz is a better defensive catcher anyways, so not sure what your point was
4) lineup order is irrelevant to a batters production
5) another irrelvent point, since only rudimentary baseball discussions involve the phrase "fear at the plate." ruiz is on base more often than posey, and has a much higher ops, so you would respect ruiz at the plate more than posey. ruiz also strikes out at a lesser rate than posey this season, so not sure why you mentioned k's