Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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whats the confusion?
She's only 21 and more importantly has genuine talent. She'll be fine in the long run.
Tori Kelly smashing allThere really is no difference with these new soul R&B singers now. Whether it’s this chick, the Mexican any whinehouse looking one, the boo’d up girl, etc. They all have the same weak vocals and bland music
She becoming a paid whore or something??If she never sells another album, she'll still be ok financially.
No need. She has the looks and hopefully she already Network enough To put herself in a position to make money behind the scenes if necessary. Or in front of the camera. And, of course, what you just said is always an optionShe becoming a paid whore or something??
Oh how many times I've heard this and how many times artists weren't "fine in the long run".
Some artists just don't have that "it" factor...talent always gets overlooked
Ella is american
lmao @ piss off you knobBruv she’s British and a lightie
Piss off you knob
lmao @ piss off you knob
you cac's are hilarious. fact being is she is supported in house and promoted by an American.