funny mention
no im asking how does a guy start coke this late? both gooden and strawberry started as youngsters on the mets because they were surrounded by this junk
so greg jackson is running a coke ring or something?
If I was the greatest at ANYTHING.. best believe Id be doing snow angels indoorswe have to really talk about this
how does a guy whose the best fighter in the world even get into coke?
he talks about being the greatest and hes doing this on the side?
makes no sense
My exact thought reading this. He's probably the last dude I would think did cocaine.
Can't blame him though cause
they was not cancelling that fight againufc is one level above wwf. LOL @ testing for coke and being allowed to fight a couple weeks later
He wasn't on it heavy until he fell from grace. He was dabbling according to his autobiography. He didn't start becoming a full on coke head until after his rape charge