Exactly...If you aint, you aint trying hard enough
Wait till gene doping starts
Got cacs built like Lebron
But that will be different
Exactly...If you aint, you aint trying hard enough
MMA fans just need to accept that their biggest star is a cheater. no way a pro athletes T levels are that low...99% chance he was using something to hide his PED use. this type of corruption is the reason MMA is dying.
?His CIR test came back clean. DC's ratio is also looking funny in the light...
Another professional opinion on the subject:
it inhibits the release of LH the hormone which tells you testicles to produce testosterone
also there's ways to mask CIR test to, so if he is using I'm sure he's fukking with the best
only why to stop steroid users is RANDOM BLOOD TESTING
So you know more than Mr. Conte on this subject? Is that what you're saying? I just want to be clear before I post a response.
No medical professional has come out and said that the low T/E ratio is because of Jon's cocaine use.
Dr. Christiane Ayotte, the head of the WADA-accredited laboratory in Montreal, saw no problem with Jones' T/E ratio.
One way to manipulate a T/E ratio downward would be to take epitestosterone, but Ayotte said that would be easily detected in a screening.
"I read the interviews of 'specialists' on that topic [in MMA media accounts], and, well, I am sorry, but such T/E values are not at all abnormal," she said. " … The administration of epitestosterone is easily detected. It does not give a small increase that looks natural, but a huge peak that is very difficult to control. I have seen only one case of attempted masking with epitestosterone and it was readily detected.
"Epitestosterone is not metabolized rapidly and stays high. An epitestosterone urine sample does not look like the ones you sent me."
shut your dumb ass up, the hate for jones is real, I glad he beat cormier