i pick bane. people need to quit whining about "how it went out". he went out with a FUCCKIN MISSILE TO THE CHEST! whut more could you ASK FOR?? and as for the whole talia thing, i saw them more as EQUAL PARTNERS, as a TEAM... both being the LEADERS. he never took orders from her. even when she stated to keep batman alive so he can too "feel the fire", he dismissed that sh*T and was going to do it HIS WAY anyway!
2nd of all, and i made a THREAD about it. the JOKER DID NOT KILL ANY CIVILIANS! he only killed people who were either part of the law or to protect the law or the MOB who were bucking the law! he never once killed a civilian...and gave civilians the free will to make the choice themselves. all he did was create madness just for his pure entertainment. but end the end he wasn't that big of a threat. batman could of easily take him out if he REALLY wanted to, which would of broke his rule....with BANE, he COULD NOT BEAT THAT N*GGA! it took a LUCKY shot at the mask, just to have the advantage!
and whut BANE did was so sinister and with complete success. he literally, emotionally, physically, financially BROKE BATMAN/BRUCE WAYNE...in every way IMAGINABLE...HELD whut is considered in the comic books, the LARGEST CITY in the world hostage for 5 MONTHS, got a crew that was willing to DIE for the cause, annnnd was f*cckin' ras al ghul daughter!!
the joker was good for laughs and sh*t, but BANE was a FUCCKIN' G!!! every thing he SAID was a freaking QUOTABLE! so fucck whut all of y'all thing. i'm going with BANE!