Oh look, it's the media trying to paint this insufferable, obnoxious, entitled, spoiled, wealthy, junkie brat in a sympathetic light.
The same media that had no problem with helping him cultivate his little rich-boy, rock star persona.
And in the first 10 replies alone in this thread you already see a few gullible mouth breathers believing this BS.
"But, but, but the gun jammed"
Yea, sure it did, jacka$$. What a convenient storyline for a sob story from a fukkin cokehead, and we all know baseheads are as honest as Ol' Abe Lincoln.
Wouldnt shock me if the last shot of this "documentary" is a black and white photo of him during his A&M glory days, in uniform, smiling after a big win while the all-white captions gives us the big reveal that "In 2021, Johnny Manziel, aka 'Johnny Football' was diagnosed with affluenza, a condition he continues to suffer with to this day." while somber piano music plays in the background.