The last act really makes it for me. Honestly, I like the exposition for Sofia more than the shootout, but them dogs
Winston played 'em, that caught me off guard. Still, that moral challenge he presented really kept me from feeling like 2 was better and grounded the movie in some sense of direction beyond "Keep John Alive".
I liked The Ajudicator more than all the other world-building characters introduced. Her role made sense and was necessary, and came off exactly as the type of person who should play such a snarl-inducing role.
Some of the action was too over-the-top--the horses specifically. One was enough
I liked that they showed John's limitations when dealing with people who know how to throw punches and kicks. He eventually adapts every time, but he always takes a beating in the learning curve lol.
I'm happy The Raid gang didn't die.
I wanted to adjust the brightness sometimes so I could see the action better.
I thought Pidgeon breh had died from them cuts
My favorite showdowns were the library, the knife-throwing competition (

), and the raid showdown. Nikkas was all polite n shyt

. I'm just realizing Be Seeing You is a phrase that basically means I win, stand down and live to fight another day.
In pacing, 2 was like Infinity War while 3 was like Endgame. This is a series that would probably be fun to marathon.