He said they weren't native Americans.Hispanics have as much connection to North America as Greeks have to Scotland. I wish y’all take a history course. Hundreds of years ago the dominant region was Central America. That was their Rome. You had the Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, all in that Central American region. They barely ventured into most of North America (though admittedly some CA tribes came up to Arizona, California and New Mexico). But the Deep South, Midwest, Mountain West, East Coast? It was all a cultural backwater to them. They barely interacted with the tribes in these places. A Lenape Indian had no clue what a Mayan was nor did they care. Acting like these people were all the same is dead ass like saying Sean Connery is the same as Al Pacino.
Centuries after Egypt's decline, multiple great kingdoms emerged across the continent including the kingdoms of Mali, Songhay, and Ghana in West Africa. So, I'd respectfully disagree with your take.
Leguzoma is doing half comedy routine here, but I guess the Latinx identity as he's saying it here incorporates a Pan Original Nation identity. In that regard, I don't see it being too different from Pan African identification.
John trying to diminish the role of AAs in American history was a sucker move, and the lady corrected him at the end. She went off script to make the valid point.Thats what he is doing and there is nothing wrong with it. These crybabies overreacting as usual to some factual errors. “Oh they are trying to steal our heritage”.
He saw Camila Cabello’s “this country was built by dreamers” speech and decided to one up her.
These Latinos are getting bolder and bolder with their bullshyt.
John trying to diminish the role of AAs in American history was a sucker move, and the lady corrected him at the end. She went off script to make the valid point.
I always agree with people standing up for themselves and correcting misrepresentations of history.
I brought up Blacks in diaspora identifying with regions we (probably) don't descend from because that's the obvious parallel to what JL is doing in his other comments. Diasporans respected the courage exhibited by the Mau Mau and strongly identified with Kenya during that period. Rastas saw the ordeals of Haille Selassie as the revelation of Scripture, and identify with him.
bet he ticks off caaucasian latino in the census...
but ask him back in the 90s bet he claim part black via his fake puertorican status...Why wouldn't he?
I don't thinks there is a "Brown" option.
There's a difference between people who know,understand,respect their culture....and those who only see value in it in for D measuring contests. There are members of both sets from every country or region on the forum.I agree and the lady was right to correct him. But the over reactions by the Tariq Nasheed and some in this thread is over the top as usual. Which is ironic because they claim black people are indigenous to America so they could be accused of "stealing" Native American culture.
But massive outrage is par for the course on the intenet.