Word. They could even put it on tv and do a tie in with Black Lightning.Matter fact why the hell hasn't he had a type of reboot? He doesn't need a massive budget, can be a lot more mature, and still badassToday's climate ayo
Word. They could even put it on tv and do a tie in with Black Lightning.Matter fact why the hell hasn't he had a type of reboot? He doesn't need a massive budget, can be a lot more mature, and still badassToday's climate ayo
Nah HBO or Fx for me preferably Tone and writing would be way better though Black Lightning has been consistently greatWord. They could even put it on tv and do a tie in with Black Lightning.
It's fukking terriblegonna watch this for laughs tonight
is this boring bad or so bad it's funny?
MOVIE was trash.
But this joint was fire...