Eve is married to BJJ royalty, she didn’t marry some random bum.Damn thats sad..at Candice Michelle found her a doctor and Eve Torres found her idiot. Nikki is always settling...
She's caused all of this though, it's not like Cena dumped her. Cena was willing to marry her and reverse his vasectomy so they could have kids but she still ended it.She’s actually really smart too. Nikki mad af lmao
Man you typed all this out and she looks absolutely nothing like Nikki Bella..like AT ALL, come on brehI think it’s normal in the sense of having a bond or connection to that person in some form but I don’t think it’s necessarily emotionally or mentally healthy. It’s almost like viewing that person as a replacement and it’s not fair to the other person (The lookalike) bc they will live in a shadow of a “ghost” and never really meet the expectations. Except for like the “nose” and wider face, she resembles NikkiB. And that’s probably what the initial reaction for his attraction was. She’s a “Nikki Bella” without the celebrity attached or recognition, baggage and control/competitive issues which makes him more secure.
She looks nothing like Nikki, if anything she looks like Marisa Tomei.She looks like Nikki Bella.That’s always weird when men marry or rebound with women who favor their exes, like a clone. Marriages that quick after a recent break up seem to not work out.
Good target...we knew she would go after easy money.Eve is married to BJJ royalty, she didn’t marry some random bum.