Dude, if these chicks are lying or exaggerating are you saying it’s not ok?
We all know white women lie and we’ve seen COUNTLESS cases in history.
I remember back in college when I was at A&T, and we used to go to UNCG to fukk with the girls there. One of my boys being drunk dumb took a pizza some white chick was holding in her hand and mushed it in her face.
Next thing you know he..... damn near WE.... was almost accused of sexual assault and RAPE.
Me and a few of the other guys got off cuz it was proven by witnesses we were no where near them..... but my dude had to to through so much other shyt damn near almost getting kicked out of school.
Im definitely not condoning or FOR any man that sexually victimizes a woman. But I’m also equally not ok with woman fabricating stories and LYING.
Don’t we today call them KARENS?
The fact is we weren’t witnesses to ANY of these, but when you have DOZENS of people talking about someone being a weirdo pervert, there’s TRUTH somewhere in there. And All People lie, it doesn’t matter what color they are, so don’t turn this into a race issue.
If there was one allegation against him, fine, go ahead and plead your case. But this weirdo had a grip of people calling him out. There’s really no point in pleading your case. Plus he aired out other people’s dirty laundry. That’s bytch made shyt.

And once against your idiocy takes over because I never said you condoned his Sexual actions with women. I said you were condoning his bytch made gossip girl shyt.

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