nikka which spirits I need to FaceTime to come up on some cheese?
For the Prosperity Ritual, go to a crossroad on a Monday and put 16 pennies on each corner and call on Elegba for financial assistance. For additional things, get some higher coins and plant them on each corner and make your own ritual. Takes about 7 days to come into fruition.
For the Erzuli Money Ritual (Vodun), you’ll need some honey, two pieces of parchment paper, a plain white paper bag (no logos or nothing), white string, white plate (real plate, not paper or foam), pink cloth or pink sheet (use to cover the table), and a pink candle. On both parchment papers, you will write the name Erzuli at the top. Then you will write how much money do you want and what you want it for on both parchment papers identically. Get a thumbtack and wooden top table. Put one of the parchment papers inside the paper bag, roll it up to the top and twist the top of the paper bag as if it’s a balloon. Then take the white string and tie the top. Then take the thumbtack or nail, take both it and the bag and string under the table and hang it underneath towards the middle of the table. Then you will drape the table with the pink cloth/sheet (MUST BE NATURAL FABRIC such as linen, cotton, silk, etc.) and then take the white plate and put it on top of the table. Take the pink candle and put it alongside the white plate. Take the second parchment paper with the identical writing and put in on the plate and then take a lil glob of honey and pour it in the middle of the paper. Then light the candle for 7 days and continue to replace the candle until the requested money comes in.
Keep in mind that the desired amount you ask for may not always come all at once, it’ll be a gradual at times. For ex., you ask for $4,000 and you do what the ritual asks of you and you may wake up in the morning to finding $300 in your dresser drawer, then 3-9 days from then, you’ll find $20+ in bills in your wallet outta nowhere, then a month later, you find out you somehow got $1,600 in your bank account...Or you find out that apparently you’re getting a bonus of $750 to $1,000+ all of a sudden at your job (like I recently had on Friday), a bonus you didn’t even know about. That’s usually how it works when it comes to the big money spells and rituals, so patience and persistence is often required. Don’t forget, when it comes to dealing with these entities, you’re still dealing with nikkas and the Spirit Realm abides by the same CPT as we do down here. As Above, So Below....As Below, So Above
It’s also this sigil money spell I discovered in an email from Sirius Times Media a few months ago I often use when I feel the need to. I’ll message it to you once I dig it back up but it’s more of a “pocket change” type of money spell. Basically you could get as low as a few $1 bills to as high as a $20 bill. It definitely works tho, I’ve used it maybe 4 times so far. You can write the sigil on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow and/or stuff it inside your wallet...But it’s even more powerful when you write on either one or both of your hand palms. No “spooky” business or anything, technically this ($) is a sigil in and of itself too lol
Also key thing, you
HAVE to believe in it. These rituals won’t be of much use if your energy isn’t in it like that because you’re deeply skeptical of them working. They’re literally extensions of your own frequencies if you will