Joe Rogan goes full MAGA

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
This is the absolute fukking truth, if you were to ask any true believer Republican who their patron saint is, they are gonna say Ronny. The same Ron Reagan that flooded the black community with crack cocaine, the same Ronald Reagan that unleashed a hyper form of capitalism on this country like a fukking scourge that is directly responsible for the state of the world today, Ronald Reagan, and his administration, produced the nastiest, most evil mother fukkers, that have served more destruction to this world than any one person in history could ever dream of. So, when we’re the Republicans this “reasonable” party of people that were just a “little” conservative in their beliefs?

Yup, and the precursor to that was Nixon, who started the devastating "war on drugs".

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.

“You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


Jul 25, 2018
If Republicans stuck to being the party of Patriotism, Business, Education and Personal Responsibility I'd have no problem voting for them. But they're not. We don't have to go back far and we all know why. I don't care about Democrats and their bullshyt they push because it isn't effective and it's at the expense of Black American born citizens 99.99% out of 100. But Joe Rogan is an idiot, just like majority of the folks who swear by him. Only thing is Rogan knows how he gets down whereas his idiot fans still holding out hope he's one of the "good ones" because he smokes weed and talks about Aliens.

You'd be cool with voting for a political party that welcomes white supremacists and uses your tax dollars to pay off billionaires as long they stick to feeding you empty patriotic, bootstrap rhetoric? Just vote Republican and log off idiot. Tired of you fake militants that need every excuse in the world to not vote Democrat but eager to suck Republican dikk at any given moment.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
What a weird argument to make when all the quarantine decisions were made while Trump was president, and it clearly didn’t stop business owners from voting for him. Still lost tho.


Mar 1, 2015
If you are a business/property owner you'd understand
I figured that was the appeal, cuz that’s about it. But what if you’re not a capital owner like the majority of people.

What’s the appeal outside of that? Not much. Conservatism is just that, a push to keep the status quo where it is and in most cases, regress the status quo to a certain point in history aka traditional values, which is a dog whistle. The class separation in America is at an all time and Republicans want to keep it that way. Republicans are against public healthcare and want a private system. Republicans are against social services period and don’t believe in using big government to protect rights. Black people have and still historically suffer at the hands of all those aforementioned societal structures at the hands of conservatives in America. Black people would also be benefited by fixing those above issues. They want to nickel and dime you at every point and not give you the opportunity to make nickels and dimes.

Another issue I have is “protecting capital” and the means of production has been a significant weapon against black people historically. It is the foundation of structural and institutional violence against black people.

Now in your case I’m assuming you would protect black capital owners and provide opportunities for black ownership and privatization right? Again this is not what the conservative Republican Party has to offer but instead they use business to oppress and destroy black people. From gentrification to the banking system ie securing loans for the loans for business and the opportunity to grow the black dollar, to the private prison system.

So what is the appeal of conservatism and the Republican Party? The destruction of black people?


The Dan Bongino Show (Mon. – Fri. 12p-3p ET)
May 31, 2022
It's State Governors that decided state level covid policies not the federal government.
The federal govt only ruled on major decisions and federal employees.
This whole thread is really about DeSantis, Gov of FL

This does NOT mean i'm saying republican Govs handled the pandemic better!!!!!
I'm just set leveling here...
Aware but how fair is that that when things don't work out in GOP's favor, they blame the states when they sitting on the throne:why:

They literally create noise and create a new enemy when they see fit. Trump is the president but he's powerless to the radical left in Cali who does as they choose so we "the people of America" that Cali resides in must stop this dangerous threat to America freedom and Democracy :deadrose:

This is a damn movie plot


Jul 25, 2018
The Democrats are already on the verge of sabotaging their own Climate Change incentives that they just voted for. We have a problem at the border with over a million people getting into this country ILLEGALLY. Then there's the social agenda that if you took it and showed it to the average American Born Black citizen they would not be for any of it all. I understand you all think Trump is gonna see his day in court, I get it. fukk him and his followers. But I'm not falling for the theatrics and grandstanding. Our collective networth as a people is set to hit 0 in less than 30 years, but instead we gotta worry about LGBT nonsense and other endeavors that we will never collectively benefit from.

No theatrics or grandstanding, but nikka writing these bullshyt militant speeches talking like gay rights is a bigger threat to black people's collective prosperity than rabid proud boy, qanon, election reversing white power terrorists and their fascist leaders in a position of power.

Coli revolutionaries yall.


The Dan Bongino Show (Mon. – Fri. 12p-3p ET)
May 31, 2022
I figured that was the appeal, cuz that’s about it. But what if you’re not a capital owner like the majority of people.

What’s the appeal outside of that? Not much. Conservatism is just that, a push to keep the status quo where it is and in most cases, regress the status quo to a certain point in history aka traditional values, which is a dog whistle. The class separation in America is at an all time and Republicans want to keep it that way. Republicans are against public healthcare and want a private system. Republicans are against social services period and don’t believe in using big government to protect rights. Black people have and still historically suffer at the hands of all those aforementioned societal structures at the hands of conservatives in America. Black people would also be benefited by fixing those above issues. They want to nickel and dime you at every point and not give you the opportunity to make nickels and dimes.

Another issue I have is “protecting capital” and the means of production has been a significant weapon against black people historically. It is the foundation of structural and institutional violence against black people.

Now in your case I’m assuming you would protect black capital owners and provide opportunities for black ownership and privatization right? Again this is not what the conservative Republican Party has to offer but instead they use business to oppress and destroy black people. From gentrification to the banking system ie securing loans for the loans for business and the opportunity to grow the black dollar, to the private prison system.

So what is the appeal of conservatism and the Republican Party? The destruction of black people?
Also the dude said being a business owner I'll understand but honestly when something servere like Covid comes if America is too broke to shut things down for a few months it's a problem, the government has no problem wasting tons of money and failing planes and tanks but complain when the people want something? IMO that's the issue.

Other countries have smaller military but seem to care more for the people.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Yeah man those Nigerians and Jamaicans love this guy. They had no idea. Only the mystical wisdom of "FBA and ADOS" saw through him. Oh yeah.

Some of yalls obsession with these phony ethnic rivalries is deranged.

Multiple people on here that cry about Tariq all the time trusted this cac


Jul 25, 2018
bruh, is this your strongest argument?

I can't show you perfect.

I can show you better.

Plus, stop worrying about gays. Unless you are one.

These nikkas is so obsessed with gays they've built their entire politics around it. To the point they are willing to be side with and be ruled over by white supremacists. Especially if they can talk and bullshyt about personal responsibility and "foreigners" to these simple minded "proud to be an American" ass nikkas in here who fall for it.

Imagine conservatives and white supremacists in this country turning against their entire ideology, mission, and desired vision of government because Trump or the Republican party advocated for gay rights. They wouldn't, because they actually payed attention in 5th grade civics class and are smart enough to see the bigger picture of what running a government is all about.

Meanwhile we stuck wit these dumb nikkas that watch too much Tariq Nasheed and ready to jump ship and support white supremacists because "these liberals down wit some gay shyt." Wannabe revolutionary intellects with the maturity of high school boys. Cowards in the end.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
Yes,born in the zoo created by the European. Where you have been programmed with European ideologies,morals and sensibilities. Democrats only goal is to make you more comfortable in the zoo,lull you to sleep with hope. Meanwhile republicans want to throw their feces at you. While you try to sleep in your containment cell.

Which one is better for black people?depends on who you ask:francis:

No disrespect breh, but I don’t buy into none of that you typing. Democrats and Republicans are both trash. Read more than a headline please. I don’t have hope or faith in either party. Both parties make terrible decisions and create economic policies hostile towards the poor and middle class whenever they get a chance.


Jul 25, 2018
So what is the appeal of conservatism and the Republican Party? The destruction of black people?

Yes. And idiot right wing-adjacent hashtag militants like him and Tariq are good with it as long as the pro-civil rights, pro-diversity liberals and lgbt are taken down along with us!

These same folks will have the nerve to call black immigrants living in the same neighborhoods and conditions as them willing "proxies" and a "buffer class" for white supremacists. The irony and projection is nearly painful.

I've said it a thousand times, people here aren't as uncomfortable with white power as they try to put on. If anything they just want their rightful place as "descendants of slaves."

And before anyone quotes me with bullshyt, no, I do not conflate Coli babble hashtags with "African Americans."

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
I figured that was the appeal, cuz that’s about it. But what if you’re not a capital owner like the majority of people.

What’s the appeal outside of that? Not much. Conservatism is just that, a push to keep the status quo where it is and in most cases, regress the status quo to a certain point in history aka traditional values, which is a dog whistle. The class separation in America is at an all time and Republicans want to keep it that way. Republicans are against public healthcare and want a private system. Republicans are against social services period and don’t believe in using big government to protect rights. Black people have and still historically suffer at the hands of all those aforementioned societal structures at the hands of conservatives in America. Black people would also be benefited by fixing those above issues. They want to nickel and dime you at every point and not give you the opportunity to make nickels and dimes.

Another issue I have is “protecting capital” and the means of production has been a significant weapon against black people historically. It is the foundation of structural and institutional violence against black people.

Now in your case I’m assuming you would protect black capital owners and provide opportunities for black ownership and privatization right? Again this is not what the conservative Republican Party has to offer but instead they use business to oppress and destroy black people. From gentrification to the banking system ie securing loans for the loans for business and the opportunity to grow the black dollar, to the private prison system.

So what is the appeal of conservatism and the Republican Party? The destruction of black people?

I find it funny you typing this. The fed chair
came out last week and said people will have to lose jobs and small business to be hurt to stop inflation.

He specifically raised interest rates to stop the buying power of Americans. He said it would help slow demand. This is going to hurt us more than any other group.

You think small black business will get loans easily now? You think black start ups will be able to borrow money easily now? What’s them mortgage loans going to look like now for blacks? What’s the carnotes going to look like now? This policy and future rate hikes are going to eat away even more at black wealth and jobs and small black businesses.

Should we be ok with our current president remaining silent?


Jul 25, 2018
No disrespect breh, but I don’t buy into none of that you typing. Democrats and Republicans are both trash. Read more than a headline please. I don’t have hope or faith in either party. Both parties make terrible decisions and create economic policies hostile towards the poor and middle class whenever they get a chance.

I wish people like you would just shut up and stay out of political discussions if this shallow psuedo-intellect nonsense is all you can think up and contribute.