Loud Still Coolin
Suppose be a IT cert like you coli nikkaz
This shyt wasn't all that.
tell hoe budeens to make a HOLLOW DA DON diss instead.
This shyt wasn't all that.
So I take all the guns, load half the clips
I just notice you run, we mention half of Clipse
So him making one post on Instagram about an issue= ig activism?That IG activism is disingenuous as fukk, even if Drake believes it himself, and I am not directly accusing him of purposefully trying to distract from the Budden issue.....He stands with the corporate elites and the hierarchies of power and historical oppression, (whether he realizes it nor not) he's never been a have not, or grown up in a community that was disenfranchised, so whose natural reaction is fukk the police, never been arrested or sat in a cell, or felt that anger when being arrested, tightening cuffs on the wrists, never held work, never held a pistol, or played the street, the people around him who are, are merely leeches and opportunists....He's a yuppie, playing masquerade in the game and the culture.
Drake's soft ass learned that from the community he infiltrated.....He's not a rebel, or a fighter, or any of that....He's a posturing suburbanite.
All cause he live streamed after getting beat up dont mean that L wont be in joeys face later. In fact that will be prolly the first bullet to remind wveryone what a fukk boy joe is. Wonder how much raes mans wants for the tape...
Joe "he hit me in my ahoulder ahhh"
*while holding ice pack on his eye, ice water banadanna on his neck
THEN threatend raekwon
If you dont see right off the bat how budden a easy target for any successful rapper wit his history i really shouldnt waste my time explaining it but ill give ya a few drake can use.
Heres 1. Putting drake in buddens song titles got him more plays then he ever got in his life. Music n podcast. Dude irrelevent without him. Fact.
2. The thot chicks you speak of are the only reason joes even half way relevent being on vh1 n the like in the first place theae days. Am i lying? Tahiry breathed life into his dead career and him beating his baby out esther baxter? Was the topic of his biggest interview or this year that got the puters putin.
All cause he live streamed after getting beat up dont mean that L wont be in joeys face later. In fact that will be prolly the first bullet to remind wveryone what a fukk boy joe is. Wonder how much raes mans wants for the tape...
Joe "he hit me in my ahoulder ahhh"
*while holding ice pack on his eye, ice water banadanna on his neck
THEN threatend raekwon
Joey is a walking punching bag. He rapping at the wind right now holding imaginary battles with drake over the internet labeling 4pm a diss.
I mean cmon bro you serious i can go all day with things to ahit on joe budden for.
Whether or not drake will even go there a different story.
The only reason joey aint sealing the deal now is cause its JOE BUDDEN. Anyone else hip hop would have awarded the W to. Budden tho? The lame who thinks hes hard picking on the popular kid in school.. This could turn around with ONE line and blow up in budden face. Im jus saying
With that said theres some real good lines in here. That WHO line is ridiculous. Songs ok tho overall but the lyrics ARE fire. Lil too laid back beat boring to me.
Crooked I ain't got shyt on deck but a failed rap careerCrooked I - Talks Raekwon, Joe Budden Beef
Crooked had them goons ready to even the numbers and they backed down apparently.
Joe shouldn't have took shots at a legend like Meth though, especially considering that best rapper list was made by MTV or some shyt. Also dumb to think a list by that type of outlet would be about pure bars.
Everyone gets punched in life, but that's huge ammo in rap, and he's lived his life on social media. It's true he is the easiest target in terms of thinking of material. Joe is trying to goad him into responding by taking a "you not gonna do it cuz you aren't about our culture" approach. We'll see.