"Can’t get this energy off me, it isn’t tangible.."
"Joe can’t be compared to mere mortals (humans). He doesn’t feed off the source of energy that humans do, the Sun. He is his own source of energy and therefore it is impossible for anyone or anything separate him from this energy. The word tangible has the word “tan”, which represents evidence of the effects the sun has on humans. Tangible has common roots with the word
“tangent”. Tangent is the main concept behind the “derivative” (calculus), of which one of the main pioneers being Newton. Newton is used to denote quantity of “Force”. Therefore the Sun/son (Drake) can’t compare to or “touch” Joe within the confines of the current laws of physics. New laws of physics will give different meaning to what is “tangible”. This will require another Newton.. another “Force”. Also Newton is related to the apple referenced multiple times earlier, which is said to have been the spark that started Newton’s intellectual journey. Also Newton used Calculus (tangent) to study the motion of planets/stars (Sun/son). Drake is powerful, like the Sun, but he can’t “touch” Joe, like his son.
P.S. Joe references “morning coffee” 2 lines earlier. Again Joe (coffee) been up before the Sun/son came up (morning/Drake). And he references sandals.. soles on your feet. Sole sounds like the Spanish word for Sun: Sol.. Therefore the Sun/son (Drake is beneath his feet [not on Joe’s level])"