Why is it the vast majority of veeps or potential veeps have been kooks,in one way or another? gore, cheney, palin and now we have possibly a demented at best {so no idea how his actions look to others,just pray nothing happens to barack and he ends up with his finger on the button do they keep the sharp knives away from him,like they allegedly did nixon the red button in his final moments of the presidency? } or at worst a paedo as vp,,oh maybe I have that backwards, considering what a powerful position he is in. Maybe it better he is a paedo ,rather than completely demented... Just thinking selfishly about my own life...
Majority of the parents seem remarkably relaxed... makes me wonder about a social worker telling me, the worst cases of sexual abuse happen in rich families like they even live next to each other and trade their own children.... , beating shyt out of children to death in some cases , the poorer families have that down to an art form,but organised sexual abuse, look in the rich parts of town,so she tells me.