Joe Biden selects Senator Kamala Harris as his VP Pick

Oct 22, 2017
Harris is a "whatever" pick for me. She's voted to the left of most senators, including those in her own party, over the past few years, so we could have done worse. People actually seem enthusiastic about her, which if you think back to that Tim Kaine pick four years ago, this is a good thing. The best thing about her is that people already weren't believing that Biden wanted to fire every cop, and then he picked Copmala as his VP. If these middle America white dolts are happy and we can get MI, WI, and PA out of it, fine.

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
The problem is this. I don’t think people are going to give Biden a honeymoon period. The Dems could lose control of the House in 2022 if Biden isn’t bold enough to enact major change. Biden’s record shows that it is highly unlikely that he will push for bold action. Is Kamala really the person that is going to push Biden to make the changes we need? She doesn’t strike my as someone who has any core beliefs besides her own personal ambitions, so I doubt it.
Don't be vague, what unilateral actions do you want Biden to take?

You and I both know Congress is the one that legislates. You and I both know that the Senate's filibuster is what's keeping meaningful legislation from being passed, not Biden, Harris, or Pelosi. Perhaps you don't know this but domestic executive power (e.g executive orders) is contingent on winning court cases. Meaning you'd likely need a Federalist Society lackey to uphold the action and then you'd need another Federalist Society lackey on SCOTUS to do the same. Naturally, the type of EOs that'd be upheld in this climate won't usually qualify as "bold"; however, that's a better outcome than losing court cases and setting legal precedent.

Also, we already knew that the VP choice is setup to be the nominee in 2024. A Republican can easy retake the Presidency. My fear is that we end up with a smarter Trump like figure. I’m not confident that Kamala to handle that type of challenge.

I know people just want Trump gone, but not thinking long term lead us to getting Trump in the first place. The next Trump like figure could be much more dangerous, because they are likely to be more competent.

How can you speak on others not thinking longterm when your post is fixated on Biden/Harris? The conversation about the longterm health of this country begins with the Senate and the filibuster. The majority of your concerns about 2022 and 2024 could be assuaged if we passed HR.1 as is, DC statehood, and an economic stimulus not dependent on GOP support. Two of those would drastically shift the electoral landscape, while stabilizing the economy and keeping people in their homes an easy thing to campaign on -- especially if this ends up being a v-shaped recovery.

If those things fail to pass it isn't because Biden/Harris weren't bold and daring, it's because Senators like Feinstein chose their own comfort over the health of our country.

King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
Do you have a link? Because I recall some k-hivers making this claim but citing an article that in no way was a retraction.

Even critics like Bazelon have taken notice. "She did champion progressive causes," Bazelon said. "And her record has been consistent, and it's been good."

Bazelon said she was particularly impressed by an appearance Harris made on The View, where conservative co-host Meghan McCain pressed Harris on whether or not she supported the "defund the police" movement.

"I thought that Kamala Harris did a really masterful job of defining what needed to happen to reform the police," she said. "And then when Meghan McCain pressed her to say yes or no, she said, 'What do you mean by defund?' And Meghan McCain had no answer for her."

SOURCE: NPR Choice page

Also, additionally, here's an recent article from someone who worked as a public defender in SF during Kamala's time as DA: Kamala Harris was a progressive pioneer as San Francisco district attorney


Jun 3, 2012
Don't be vague, what unilateral actions do you want Biden to take?

You and I both know Congress is the one that legislates. You and I both know that the Senate's filibuster is what's keeping meaningful legislation from being passed, not Biden, Harris, or Pelosi. Perhaps you don't know this but domestic executive power (e.g executive orders) is contingent on winning court cases. Meaning you'd likely need a Federalist Society lackey to uphold the action and then you'd need another Federalist Society lackey on SCOTUS to do the same. Naturally, the type of EOs that'd be upheld in this climate won't usually qualify as "bold"; however, that's a better outcome than losing court cases and setting legal precedent.

How can you speak on others not thinking longterm when your post is fixated on Biden/Harris? The conversation about the longterm health of this country begins with the Senate and the filibuster. The majority of your concerns about 2022 and 2024 could be assuaged if we passed HR.1 as is, DC statehood, and an economic stimulus not dependent on GOP support. Two of those would drastically shift the electoral landscape, while stabilizing the economy and keeping people in their homes an easy thing to campaign on -- especially if this ends up being a v-shaped recovery.

If those things fail to pass it isn't because Biden/Harris weren't bold and daring, it's because Senators like Feinstein chose their own comfort over the health of our country.
My dude,
You are explaining the filibuster to me like I didn’t support Warren for president. In what world am I fixated on Biden/Harris? I hate Joe Biden, but I been accepted he would be our nominee. Just because I don’t like Biden or Harris as VP doesn’t mean I’m fixated on them, or don’t understand the boarder political issues. Also, if the Dems win the senate will Biden put the necessary pressure on Chuck Schumer to end the filibuster? Neither Biden or Schumer have explicitly stated that are in favor of ending it.

I’m not a new to politics. I know all about the federal courts, and that is one of the only reasons I am voting for Biden. The Obama Administration wasn’t nearly aggressive enough when it came to filling court vacancies. Trump has not only appointed 2 SC justices, but he also has as put about 200 right wing extremists judges to the two lower courts. Again, this is one of the reasons I’m voting for Biden even though his record terrible.

As far as Executive Orders, the courts are no excuse not to sign them. One, we are not sure what judge will get the case. Two, if the case does go to the Supreme court it might not be an automatic lose. Especially since John Roberts have surprised us in a few of his decisions. He seem to be taking the Justice Kennedy role of throwing curveballs in his decisions. Besides that the president have the power of the bully pulpit. Bush was great at using it. Obama was ok with it. The president can shape public opinion much more than congress.

Biden states he will do student loan forgiveness. I’m skeptical that he will follow through on that, and even if he does I don’t like the way his specific plan is constructed.

Will Biden truly push for police reform and not just give lip service? He still defend the crime bill to this day. Will Kamala truly push for this? Her current statements say yes, but her record states no. Again no real core beliefs.

Biden can move marijuana from a schedule 1 drug. He is still stating there need to be more tests done on marijuana. Kamala record doesn’t indicate that she would push Biden on his 1970s views on marijuana.

Biden have massive power when it comes to foreign policy. He was an Iraq War supporter so I don’t trust his judgment. Will Kamala push Biden for us to leave Afghanistan? Biden can change our criminal drone strike policy without Congress. Does Kamala even care about these issues?

Trump have to go. However, it is more than reasonable to question if a Biden Harris administration is the right combination, to correct the mess that Trump and the GOP have created. Not to mention the mess that neoliberals like Biden have created before Trump’s election.
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Nov 26, 2016
im sorry, are you implying there was a VP choice that 100 percent of people would have liked :dahell:

let me assure you that "whether you like warren or not" would have been a talking point :dead:
Can you imagine the snake comments she would have gotten from some far left supporters?

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
The NPR article is exactly what I'm talking about, that's not a retraction. It's pretty obvious that she's talking about Harris' record as a senator, not Harris' record as a prosecutor.

Nobody has ever questioned whether or not she has a progressive record as a senator. Okay I'm sure there are some people, but the point is saying she has a progressive record as a senator has no bearing on whether or not she was progressive as a prosecutor.

S1: Congresswoman Gilibrand was a moderate with a mediocre record on gun control.

S2: Senator Gilibrand is arguably a progressive and she has a good record on gun control.

Both of these statments can be, and are, true at the same time.