Nope. False.
"No parents were arrested, and none were jailed, according to a prosecutor who still works on the issue in the current district attorney’s office. Instead, the parents were issued citations to come to court, where they could avoid a fine by completing a plan to improve their child’s attendance."
Kamala Harris: resurfaced video on truancy prosecutions sparks backlash
Thats bc u only looked for her record as the county prosecutor. The issue wasnt just over San Fransisco. They just put that out there for ppl who are lazy and thought people were talking about when she was AD for San Fran, which totally misses the point entirely.
That article is a purposely misleading pro-kamala article.
Kamala Harris Spins Facts on Truancy Law
The issue was when she took the law statewide and that led to arrests. However, as the San Francisco District Attorney,
Harris sponsored a state Senate bill — SB 1317 — that was introduced by state Sen. Mark Leno, who is also from San Francisco. The state bill was modeled on her truancy initiative in San Francisco, and did result in some parents being jailed.
Ppl who talk about what she did as the San FRan AD miss the point entirely. It's the fact she sponsored and lobbied for the law and that led to statewide arrests.
She even admitted so on stage.
In an interview on CNN’s “
State of the Union,” Harris said her initiative improved school attendance in San Francisco and “not one parent was sent to jail.” Host Jake Tapper
then asked about the state law that she sponsored.
Tapper, May 12: Well, you pushed for a statewide law, right, a statewide truancy law.
Harris: And the state…
Tapper: And people were thrown into jail under that law.
Harris: Not by me.
Not by you, but you supported the law.
Harris: I supported the law that — this is what I supported, and our initiative was that in the — and here’s — we’re going to get in the weeds, but give me the patience of time to explain it.
When I was looking at the issue of truancy, I realized that, when we define truancy, we defined it as three or four unexcused absences, you’re truant. I was seeing kids that were missing up to 80 days of a 180-day school year. So, my point was, why isn’t the education code recognizing that?
What ended up happening is, by changing the education code, it also changed — it, by reference then, was in the penal code. And then that was an unintended consequence.
And if I could do it over again, I
would have made sure that it would not have increased penalties or the ability to prosecute anywhere in the state to prosecute parents, because that was never the intention. An
She's already admitted it. Stop spreading fake news.