Joe Biden Just Delivered the Speech Democrats Have Been Desperate for Him to Give


Nov 1, 2015

Joe Biden Just Delivered the Speech Democrats Have Been Desperate for Him to Give​

Biden delivered a point-by-point denunciation of Donald Trump’s actions around Jan. 6, casting the 2024 election as a stark choice and calling his predecessor a 'loser'

Published 01/05/24 04:42 PM ET | Updated 14 hr ago

Dan Merica
, Amie Parnes and Nicole Gaudiano

Joe Biden Just Delivered the Speech Democrats Have Been Desperate for Him to Give

*video from another source

Democrats have been desperate for Joe Biden to hold nothing back in defining former President Donald Trump as an anti-democratic threat.

On Friday in Pennsylvania, the president did just that.

Biden’s 32-minute speech was a point-by-point takedown of Trump’s actions around the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, three years ago tomorrow. The president lambasted his predecessor as anti-American because of the way he supported the insurrection, called him the “election denier in chief” because of the way he continues to deny he lost the 2020 election, and, in a dig targeted at the image-conscience Trump, called the Republican leader “a loser.”

“Let's be clear about the 2020 election. Trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. Every one,” Biden said. “But the legal path just took Trump back to the truth: That I’d won the election and he was a loser.”

Biden added: “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question we have to answer is, who are we? That’s what’s at stake.”

The speech, which Biden aides have cast as the opening salvo in the president’s race against the expected Republican nominee in 2024, sets up an extraordinary moment in presidential politics where the current officeholder, in his bid to keep the job, is questioning his predecessor’s commitment to democracy ahead of their expected rematch.

Democrats have publicly and privately urged Biden to repeatedly deliver this kind of message, questioning Trump’s commitment to American democracy and positioning the election as a stark, but simple, choice between him and Trump.

“He’s resetting the terms of the debate, as he needs to,” said Democratic strategist Christy Setzer.

With polls showing Biden trailing the former president across the country and in key battleground states, many Democrats – some of whom have grown nervous about the president’s reelection – have argued it is time for Biden to deliver on his most persistent political mantra: “Don't compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative.”


President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event at Montgomery County Community College January 5, 2024 in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. In his first campaign event of the 2024 election season, Biden stated that democracy and fundamental freedoms are under threat if former U.S. President Donald Trump returns to the White House.Drew Angerer/Getty Images

This speech was filled with comparisons between the current president and his predecessor. Biden argued Trump’s campaign was a self-centered endeavor – “Trump's campaign is about him. Not America. Not you,” the president said – while he said his campaign was “different” and called protecting democracy the “central cause of my presidency. While Biden recalled attending the funerals of police officers who died as a result of events on Jan. 6, he blamed Trump’s lies for those deaths.

“They died because these lies brought a mob to Washington,” he said. “He promised it will be wild and it was. He told the crowd to fight like hell. And all hell was unleashed.”

The speech was also loaded with body language. Biden spoke through gritted teeth about Trump disparaging deceased military members as “suckers.” The Catholic rosary on his wrist shook with his fist. He shouted, pointed at the audience, and seemed passionate and angry.

“I'll say what Donald Trump won’t: Political violence is never ever acceptable in the United States political system, never, never never,” Biden said. “It has no place in a democracy. None. You can't be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American.”

The speech comes as a perilous moment for American democracy. Recent polling around the Jan. 6 anniversary has found Republicans are more sympathetic to what happened at the Capitol in 2021 than they were years ago and while some Republicans censured Trump in the wake of the attack on the Capitol – a fact Biden brought up – the former president has not only survived those attacks, he has deepened his hold on the Republican base and forced many of his party’s top elected officials to retreat from the criticism they leveled years earlier.

The Trump campaign’s response to Biden’s speech highlighted the difficulty the former president may have responding to these attacks in 2024. Instead of taking on Biden’s criticism that Trump is a threat to democracy for what happened around the 2020 election, Trump’s top aides and supporters questioned why Biden was talking about the issue at all. And his campaign tried to turn the attack around by claiming the former president’s legal jeopardy makes Biden “the greatest threat to democracy the United States of America has ever faced.”

“The bottom line today is that Joe Biden has given up on running an issues-based campaign for 2024,” wrote Jason Miller, a top Trump adviser. “Rather than help those suffering from Bidenomics or our porous southern border, Biden plans on weaponizing government against his leading political opponent.”

In a tweet highlighting increased inflation, Miller added: “Biden sure doesn’t want to talk Bidenomics.”

That response will likely only embolden Democrats who would like Biden to talk more about Trump.

“I have told anyone who would listen [at the White House] that he needs to be relentless about defining Trump and also punching him in the face,” said one Democratic strategist close to the Biden administration. “Today he did all of that. And he needs to keep doing more.”

Josh Schwerin, a Democratic strategist who worked on Hillary Clinton’s campaign against Trump in 2016, echoed Biden’s “don’t compare me” mantra, saying the speech represented “a powerful reminder” that this election is a choice between Biden and Trump.

“When that fact is internalized more broadly by voters, we’re going to see numbers move in Biden’s direction,” Schwerin said on the recent polling.

Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko called the speech “one of the most powerful speeches of my lifetime.”

“There's no shortage of Democrats who often wet their bed wondering if President Biden is the right choice for them to get behind,” said Parkhomenko. “And this is exactly the kind of speech that puts those thoughts and very siloed efforts to rest.”


Nov 1, 2015
Idc what’s his way of fixing this inflation

greedflation, not inflation :ufdup:

The biggest study of ‘greedflation’ yet looked at 1,300 corporations to find many of them were lying to you about inflation​


December 8, 2023 at 6:27 AM EST



As they rolled their eyes at the frustratingly familiar sight of price markups in grocery store aisles, shoppers in 2022 might have wondered whether corporations were doing everything they could to keep prices down as inflation hit generational highs. The answer now appears to be a resounding no.

A joint study by think tanks IPPR and Common Wealth found profiteering by some of the world’s biggest companies forced prices up significantly higher than costs during 2022.


Inflation soared across the globe last year, peaking near 11% in the eurozone and above 9% in the U.S.

The source of that high inflation has become a well-trodden line. Analysts have typically laid the blame on supply-chain bottlenecks created by excess demand during the COVID-19 pandemic and exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The war also increased energy prices, leading to further rises in inflation as suppliers factored in higher transport and running costs.

While this obviously contributed to rising prices, the report finds that company profits increased at a much faster rate than costs did, in a process often dubbed “greedflation.”

Profits for companies in some of the world’s largest economies rose by 30% between 2019 and 2022, significantly outpacing inflation, according to the group’s research of 1,350 firms across the U.S., the U.K., Europe, Brazil, and South Africa.

In the U.K., the research found that 90% of profit increases occurred among just 11% of publicly listed firms. Profiteering was more broad in the U.S., where a third of publicly listed firms were responsible for most of the increase in profits.

The biggest perpetrators were energy companies like Shell, Exxon Mobil, and Chevron, which were able to enjoy massive profits last year as demand moved away from Russian oil and gas.

Food producers including Kraft Heinz realized their own profit surges. The war in Ukraine rocked global grain supplies and fertilizer prices, significantly increasing the cost of food, which remains sticky.

The findings add to a growing body of research seeking to highlight the role of major businesses in forcing up inflation last year.

A June study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) found that 45% of eurozone inflation in 2022 could be attributed to domestic profits. Companies in a position to benefit most from higher commodity prices and supply-demand mismatches raised their profits by the most, the study found.

CEOs of the world’s biggest companies consistently sounded the alarm on inflation as a significant barrier to growth. Many blamed rising input costs on their own price hikes. However, lots of those CEOs appear to have instead used the panic of rising costs to pump up their balance sheet.

In April, Société Générale economist Albert Edwards released a scathing note saying he hadn’t seen anything like the current levels of corporate greed in his four decades working in finance. He said companies were using the war in Ukraine as an excuse to hike prices in search of profits.

“The end of Greedflation must surely come. Otherwise, we may be looking at the end of capitalism,” Edwards wrote. “This is a big issue for policymakers that simply cannot be ignored any longer.”

Prices coming down

Inflation is now beginning to regulate in most major economies and coming closer to most central banks’ targeted 2%. Some companies that previously passed rising costs on to customers to continue making a profit have now sought to repay them with price cuts.

Last week, Ikea stores owner Ingka’s deputy CEO said the company would be spending $1.1 billion to absorb inflation and bring down the prices of goods in its stores.

“People have thin wallets, but they still have needs, dreams, and frustrations,” Juvencio Maeztu told Fortune.

In November, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon suggested the era of high inflation in the U.S. was over, and shoppers may soon begin to experience a contraction in prices—known as “deflation”—in company stores.

oil companies don't want to increase supply because they want more profits.
