Ford had eye witnesses to her assault and there were dozens of people who had heard about the story within days. She also saw a therapist and maintained the same story over decades. there were also other women who had instances of sexual assault and harassment from Kavanaugh. This all came out after reporters investigated her story. That shyt was legit and follows the norm for how sexual assault victims act.
Reade has changed her story multiple times, praised Biden since then, she refuses to give a day/time for the event to make it impossible for Biden to show he wasn’t available to assault her. She also had her request for help from a female rights lawyer group denied because they felt she was seeking help more for PR than for legal representation. Finally when reporters did dig into her story all of them came up with nothing. Reade’s mother called Larry King and said she didn’t want to give details “out of respect for the senator”..... that shyt don’t add up.
Smh none of this is true. Blasey Ford has no eyewitnesses. Nobody there corroborated her story as a witness. A few people said she told them after it happened. Kavanaugh didn’t have any other credible allegations. Julia Swetnick was full of shyt and got that scumbag Avennati to represent her and the NYT ran with her claim anyway.
I believe both of them, but Reade has more corroborating evidence than Ford. The CNN vid alone is stronger than anything.
I can’t believe you’re going with the “she changed her story” smear about a potential rape survivor. Most women change their story after being sexually assaulted. I’ve seem some shyt happen to a female friend once and I demanded she called the cops. When the cop came, her story to him was different and less severe than what she told me. Women are traumatized by shyt like that and process it ways we don’t always understand.
Anybody saying Ford is legit and Reade is lying is on some partisan blinders shyt. The only significant difference between the two claims is the politics of the accused.