Joe Biden announces he is running for relection in 2024. Shadroom comments want Trump back.


Jul 25, 2018
You Bidensexuals so mad at criticism they dont even read. Just respond like bots. Nobody said anything positive about Trump.

You don't even know how reading works but want to talk about how government and economics work. This is about Biden and whats happening on his watch. Only perople obsessed with and caring about trump are you weirdos.

Okay, and what's happening on Bidens watch? The unemployment rate and inflation has been sinking month after month for the past year. By all indications we are on our way to an economic recovery after the disaster that was Trump.

And you don't have to say anything positive about Trump. Your projecting his failures and actions as President on Biden, blaming Democrats for the doing of a Republican administration, and clearly inplying that the strong economy he inherited from Obama was all his doing and the weak economy and chaotic lawmaking we inherited from Trump is the fault of inneffective Democrats. We know what time you're on. Blaming and misleading people into believing Trumps failures and the Republican party's actions are somehow Democrats fault has become yalls new strategy.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Democrats only care about keeping the centrist/moderates in power :snoop: they don't even care if the Republicans win.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
Decided to put my post in quotes because it's so long so it's easy for people to scroll over. Out of respect for people's phone screens.

What I'm seeing is the "both siders" or the "Jim Crow Joe" types want Biden to be considered a failed/bad President because it would back up their narrative that both sides are the same, or that there is no difference between Biden and Trump. It also causes them to irrationally nit pick or distort things in order to promote their narrative. Hearing that Biden is not a bad President by any means, and may even be a good President goes against every bias that you already have and want to promote. Therefore it's tuned out.

One party is an authoritarian, anti-science, anti-intellectualism, domestic terrorist, white supremacist cult of personality that has no problem weakening or ending democracy in order to obtain power. The other party is not. Therefore, by default that party is better than the other party.

Claim 1: But Inflation!!!! But Recession!!! High inflation would have happened under a 2nd Trump term. Inflation is not just a US problem. It's a world problem that's happening everywhere. Whenever you shut down a world economy for months and open it back up, demand skyrockets without the supply to match it (plus a broken supply chain system) combined with companies wanting to re-coup money they may have missed, you're going to have inflation. It's basic economics. Now, what you could argue is that Biden signing the American Rescue Act may have made inflation worse. Putting 1.9 trillion dollars out there on an already overly heated economy, is asking for serious smoke. Especially when part of the problem is that there's too much money in the economy as it is.

The feds have been increasing interest rates in an attempt to bring inflation down by cooling off demand, but what also has to happen is that the job market has to cool down a bit. Right now, unemployment is at the lowest in history and job creation has remained strong against all negative predictions. In order to bring down demand, and thus bring down inflation, a reduction in hiring and staff is needed. The normal economic rule is, the higher the unemployment, the lower the inflation. Because in theory, the less money out there, the less demand. The catch is trying to balance this all out in a way that doesn't lead to a recession or have a sudden crash, but instead provides a steady, soft landing for the economy. Unfortunately, the obvious side effect is that people may be hurt by this,

Claim 2: But Ukraine!! Any American President with the exception of Trump would have helped Ukraine. Ukraine is an ally of the United States, who's reputation is "leader of the free world", and the objective is to stop Putin from being embolden to go deeper into Europe if he conquers Ukraine because his end goal is to re-establish the old Soviet Union. When it comes time to rebuilding Ukraine after the war, a lot of you will be mad when the US helps with rebuilding efforts, but if you think that's going to be free and Ukraine ain't going to be kicking anything back to the United States once the rebuilding is complete, then you are deeply mistaken. The United States is going to walk away with more influence over Ukraine than ever. They might join NATO.

Legislative Accomplishments:

With a slim majority in the US House, and a 50/50 US Senate tie, Biden was not expected to pass any meaningful legislation since you need 60 votes in the Senate unless it's a budget reconciliation bill. In these political times, it's hard to get bi-partisan bills passed because the goal of the Republican party is to hurt the President, therefore hurt the country in order to point the finger and obtain power for themselves. Even if they know they should be voting to get the bill passed. That's what they did for the 6 years they had control of one or both branches of Congress in during Obama's 8 years in office.

However, Biden has actually passed more major legislation than Obama in his first two years compared to Obama's first two years. While Obamacare/ACA is bigger than anything Biden passed, Biden has more major legislation collectively. Political pundits have said that he's signed more major legislation in his first couple years than any President in recent history. Part of this is because old man Biden is good at politics. Being in the Senate for 36 years and VP for 8 years means he has relationships with some of them long time Republicans in the Senate that are needed to get bills passed.

-American Rescue Act: Saved city and state economies who were messed up due to covid, put out a lot of money toward health care, housing, education, tax increases on the wealthy and the very popular child tax credit.

-Infrastructure (Bi-partisan): Passed with 69 votes in the Senate. Trump talked about doing that for 4 years. Every week it was infrastructure week. Biden is still touring the country touting that law being signed whenever there is a new road/bridge/construction, etc project that's opening up. That's shyt people feel. Whether its people getting a job to work on a project, or the people who had been suffering from bad infrastructure for decades. This bill also throws money toward clean energy.

-Inflation Reduction Act: Imposed 15% minimum corporate tax rate for companies making more than $1 billion. A lot of money toward climate change. Allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices in 2026. Caps insulin payment to $35 dollars for people on Medicare. Insultin's biggest producer, Eli Lilly announced they will be capping insulin payments at $35.

-Gun safety bill (Bi-partisan): First major legislation on guns signed in 30 years although I personally think it's not enough at all. Expands background checks on people 18 to 21, gives states money and incentives to implement red flag policies by going to the courts to get guns taken away from people who are deemed a threat, expands law that prevents people convicted of domestic abuse to include dating partners that you don't live with, not just spouse/ex-spouse. Increases mental health funding, etc,

-CHIPS Act (Bi-partisan): Throws mad money at research and production of computer chips and semiconductors in the United States. This will lead to job creation, and makes the US competitive with China and also stops people who get funding from the bill from going to China and opening up business there. The US is only responsible for like 10% of the production in the world. China and East Asia is responsible for like 75% to 80%

Biden then followed up on this two months later by implementing new policy export controls that shyts on China by cutting them off from certain semiconductor chips made anywhere in the world with United States equipment. Some companies were forced to stop shipments to US tech/equipment to Chinese owned facilities. Experts have said this could mess up China for a long time because American and foreign companies that use US tech/equipment will have to stop doing business with China's chip creators.

-Gay Marriage/Interracial Marriage Bill (Bi-partisan): It's officially law since Clearance Thomas talked about potentially overturning Supreme Court decisions that allowed it. PAWG In Peace.

-Veterans Burn Pit Bill (Bi-partisan): Allows veterans to get treatment and disability coverage for 23 new conditions of burn pit and toxic exposure medical conditions from the VA. Previously these vets that needed care were denied. Also, it makes the VA assume that the illness and cancer is related to the exposure instead of forcing veterans to prove it in order to get compensated. Most of the claims got denied because people couldn't provide it. It also gives 9/11 veterans an extra 10 year access term to the VA.
Foreign Policy Accomplishments:
-Got us out of Afghanistan. The bad part is that 13 marines were killed. While the withdraw was not smooth at all, overtime Biden will be remembered in a positive way by Presidential historians for getting us out after 20 years. We needed to get out.

-Bringing NATO back together and making it stronger than it's been since the Cold War. Trump weakened NATO and planned to withdraw if he won a 2nd term. Not only would withdrawing from NATO be a disaster, it would have economic consequences too as countries would likely be less willing to deal with us due to a lack of trust. Under Biden leading the charge, Finland has officially joined NATO. Sweden applied to join NATO at the same time as Finland and is close to being officially in, and Ukraine will likely join once the war is over. If Putin backs down and retreats, Biden will be looked at as a hero. Presidential historians are going to be very kind to Biden when they discuss and rank Presidents on foreign policy accomplishments for what he was able to do with NATO. It's everything Republicans would have creamed their pants over if Reagan did it. They would still be talking about it today.

-Rejoined Paris Climate Agreement because Trump is a fukking idiot.

There are rational things to criticize Biden for:

-I didn't like that Biden and Harris went around stating that they were going to get voting rights passed when they knew they didn't have the votes in the Senate to pass it. I'd rather Biden and Harris been real from the start and said, we don't have the votes to pass it.

-Biden made a fool of himself by going to MBS in Saudi Arabia to fist bump and talk gas prices when he previously said that he would make him a pariah. MBS ain't do shyt to help because he's Trump's boy.

-I feel that the administration should do more to stop Republican state governments from book banning. Even though there may not be anything they could legally do because technically, what they are doing is morally wrong, but possibly not legally wrong.

-I didn't feel like Biden publicly did enough to address inflation. Even though they were obviously working on it behind the scenes, publicly it felt like they were ignoring it. It's been politically destroying him all this time. He should have been having primetime speeches on the regular basis to discuss inflation.

In closing, Biden is clearly not a bad President. In fact, several anti-Trump conservative political pundits have said that Biden is actually doing a good job as President. Is he too old? Of course. However, with age comes wisdom especially in politics and that's needed in a President in this political climate. I will support Biden any day over a wanna be demagogue that wants to be President again and should be in prison for attempting to overthrow the government to stay in power.
Oct 22, 2017
One party is an authoritarian, anti-science, anti-intellectualism, domestic terrorist, white supremacist cult of personality that has no problem weakening or ending democracy in order to obtain power. The other party is not. Therefore, by default that party is better than the other party.

this is such an intellectually dishonest and lazy comparison. what, in contrast, is the “other” party doing to counter the “anti-science, anti-intellectualism, domestic terrorist, white supremacist cult of personality” that the other side has embraced?

anti-science? are democrats actually combating climate change by bringing the fossil fuel industry to heel?

anti-intellectualism? are democrats actually doing anything to stop the erasure of black history in our schools?

domestic terrorist? have democrats overturned qualified immunity, the shield behind which race soldiers have felt protected as they terrorize black people? has merrick garland and his justice department handed out lengthy sentences to the men and women who stormed the capitol on jan 6th?

white supremacist? have democrats , since biden took office, addressed the systemic inequality that black people suffer from? have laws addressing housing discrimination been passed? has funding of schools in predominantly black neighborhood been increased? has there been any appreciable movement forward in giving descendants of american slaves reparations?

cult of personality? like the cult of personality that democrats have fostered for decades, with the aiding hand of the media, masking corporatist agenda with the sheen of performative progressivism?

tldr: both parties are shyt


Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
this is such an intellectually dishonest and lazy comparison. what, in contrast, is the “other” party doing to counter the “anti-science, anti-intellectualism, domestic terrorist, white supremacist cult of personality” that the other side has embraced?

anti-science? are democrats actually combating climate change by bringing the fossil fuel industry to heel?

anti-intellectualism? are democrats actually doing anything to stop the erasure of black history in our schools?

domestic terrorist? have democrats overturned qualified immunity, the shield behind which race soldiers have felt protected as they terrorize black people? has merrick garland and his justice department handed out lengthy sentences to the men and women who stormed the capitol on jan 6th?

white supremacist? have democrats , since biden took office, addressed the systemic inequality that black people suffer from? have laws addressing housing discrimination been passed? has funding of schools in predominantly black neighborhood been increased? has there been any appreciable movement forward in giving descendants of american slaves reparations?

cult of personality? like the cult of personality that democrats have fostered for decades, with the aiding hand of the media, masking corporatist agenda with the sheen of performative progressivism?

tldr: both parties are shyt


This MAGA c00n fakkit is responsible for a bunch of posters on here losing hundreds of dollars because he advised them to invest in a floundering company and he also goes around sending men on here semi-nude pics:


Take this hoe ass nikka seriously if you want.
Oct 22, 2017
This MAGA c00n fakkit is responsible for a bunch of posters on here losing hundreds of dollars because he advised them to invest in a floundering company and he also goes around sending men on here semi-nude pics:


Take this hoe ass nikka seriously if you want.
notice how nobody cares about your fakkit ass posts? this is the third of fourth time you’ve posted it, and nobody cares. in fact, this is starting to feel weird.
