It seems foolish to get caught up in this kind of stupidity at the workplace, but I guess if you're in an environment where everyone else is doing it and nobody seems to have a problem with it, it's easy to be like

Especially if the broads are cooperating for the most part; it did say Joe allegedly had a side piece he was mashing out for a couple years. I wonder if Mike was in on the action....
I had a job working in the Records Dept of a huge law firm back in NY, and no lie, my first day, I had to go through this mandatory sexual harassment training. Joint was like three hours long. Most trainings I sat through was 30-45 minutes tops. So I figured this place was extra serious about it. I go downstairs to my department afterwards, and one of the first things I see is one clerk propositioning another on some "you should meet me in the back"

Even the manager had a mouth on him; he had a feisty secretary, and I overheard him telling her "you just like that cause you ain't get any last night"

I told another co-worker after awhile that it was funny that all that went on after we had such a heavy sexual harassment training. But nobody complained so I figure it was all gucci. I didn't get down, however.