Jim Neidhart 5 Month's Pregnant.

Vinny Lupton

Jan 27, 2014
The cocaine / jetski / fanny pack story is from HitGOAT's book I think..i have it in digital format so I will try to post it later

Also in Bret's book he says the first time he went to Japan to wrestle, someone offered him a shot (like liquor shot) of turtle blood. They cut the turtle's neck right there and he did the shot and it gave him an erection for like 13 hrs


the real puff daddy
May 12, 2012
The cocaine / jetski / fanny pack story is from HitGOAT's book I think..i have it in digital format so I will try to post it later

Also in Bret's book he says the first time he went to Japan to wrestle, someone offered him a shot (like liquor shot) of turtle blood. They cut the turtle's neck right there and he did the shot and it gave him an erection for like 13 hrs
we waiting on that story fam'ron letskedit breh

Vinny Lupton

Jan 27, 2014
the story in Bret's book is told as time passes so I had to paste it together from several pages. I was wrong - Anvil was riding around in a motorcycle with 380k in his pannypack, not a jetski

@Tommy Fits

Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

He didn’t make the matches that night in Struthers, Ohio. I finally met up with him in the bar at the Quality Inn, where he told me he’d been charged with punching a U.S. Air stewardess, which was a federal offense. Jim assured me he’d never laid a hand on her, and I believed him. We both feared this would cost us the tag title. But Vince said he thought this was a clear-cut case of a wrestler being targeted for harassment, and he hired the sharpest lawyer he could find to make U.S. Air sorry that they ever picked on one of his wrestlers.


Anvil had just been acquitted of assaulting that stewardess and then got himself bankrolled by Vince to counter-sue U.S. Air. He had thought that the world was looking pretty rosy!


Vince’s plan was that The Foundation would drop the belts to The Rockers at the next TVs, at which they’d also be taping -SNME. When I left the room Jim looked like a prisoner preparing to see the warden. Afterwards, he did his best to appear upbeat, but it was easy to see he was devastated. At least he had his ongoing countersuit against U.S. Air and the hope of an eventual settlement.


[Owen] was happy to be back in the WWF and said he thought he could work well with Jim. I told him Jim was thrilled about it too. Jim was thrilled in general: He had finally won his settlement from U.S. Air, a whopping U.S. $ 380,000. Owen asked me for advice on how to handle Jim, and I told him that I’d tried just about everything but that in the end it was reverse psychology that worked best.


The birthday party was held a few days late, on May 5, so that Owen and I could make it. Ellie was up from Florida to surprise Stu, and they hadn’t seen each other in a while. There was such joy in Stu’s eyes when Ellie walked in. If the stories were right, back in Tampa, Jim had a serious cocaine problem and was blowing all the money he’d won from his lawsuit, riding around on his brand-new Ninja motorcycle with what was left of his riches stuffed into his fanny pack. An exasperated Ellie had finally left him to his own undoing.

the phone rang again. This time it was Ellie. Stu put his hand up, signaling me that he didn’t want me to go, so I chatted with my mom a while longer. After a few minutes he set the phone down to tell me Ellie wanted to thank me herself for the new break for Jim. But Ellie was cold and distant as she went on a bitter rant about how Vince McMahon owed her and Jim a living, conveniently overlooking the fact that
it’d been Jim who’d got himself fired in the first place and that he was lucky to be hired back at all after throwing that TV monitor at Chief. As far as I knew, Jim hadn’t paid Vince back for the lawyers who’d won him the settlement, which was all gone now anyway. When I hung up, I realized that she hadn’t thanked me for anything.


Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling
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