It's really hard to decide, but if I had to go with someone, it would be Undertaker. He has

politics and doesn't recognize how tone deaf it is to promote them, but he was a shytty wrestler for years on top of that. Most of his matches after 2013 were

, some of them being legitimately embarrassing WOAT matches. His match with Roman was one of the WOAT WrestleMania main events. And Vince had the nerve to tell Kevin Owens that his match with Jericho was WOAT.
Jericho is even more shameless with his politics and I legitimately think less of him now, but he never embarrassed himself in the ring the way Undertaker did. He never made Michael Cole say some shyt like "CHRIS JERICHO IS BACK........BETTER THAN EVER" and in the same year, go on to have two

matches, one involving a guy wrestling his first match in eight years. So, yeah, Undertaker loses in a close one.