"I work harder than everyone else"
Let me guess, you're smarter than everyone else too
Lin's comments really remind me of the disdain a lot of people...specifically white makes...have for black athletes. Lin could be a cool guy, I'm not gonna accuse him of anything, but his comments remind me of how whenever there's a chippy/scrappy white guy in a sport he is automatically hailed as the hardest working or the most intelligent guy on the court/field. In the NFL it's usually a white WR or backup QB. In the NBA, it's a shooter. The problem for these dudes now is that black dudes have taken that "3 point specialist" slot and evolved it into a guy who can also get their own shot and play defense. We're never getting another wave of Steve Kerr white dudes in the league again...
Lin doesn't do anything great. He probably is good enough to play on a team somewhere, but the idea that he's the hardest working guy is laughable. All it does is perpetuate the idea that most guys in the NBA were born with natural talent, they don't have to work for anything, and therefore they aren't that impressive and certainly aren't smart...whereas the scrappy white boy who makes it onto the court is the real hero.