Jeremy Corbyn rejects John McDonnell suggestion UK Labour Party should boycott Russia Today


Dec 4, 2016
No this isn't true Chris Hedges for instance has a show on RT and I'm pretty sure he criticized Putin on the Citations Needed podcast, but I listened to it months ago and can't be certain.:manny:

Listen to Episode 18: Fake News Panic and the Silencing of Dissident Media by Citations Needed Podcast #np on #SoundCloud

RT gives voice to a lot of American left journalists like Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky. Not that big a deal..
I think that big picture is where it counts. The main goal of Russia is to create discord and strengthen views that result in discord. Russia backs any horse in the race that results in political confusion.

TL;DW: Here are the transcripts
They`ve also been all over the globe promoting secession movements and
breakaway independence movements in all sorts of countries. They`ve been
looking – in other words, they`ve been looking to get bigger while they`ve
been busy working to make sure that everybody else gets smaller.
literally taking over neighboring countries` territory to make Russia a
larger country, while promoting in the online space movements that would
break apart their rivals and competitors on the global stage.


And we`ve talked about this on the show in the past a little bit. Russia
for years in this country has actively promoted the secession of Texas.
They`ve promoted the quirky Texas secessionist movement to the point of
inviting Texas secessionists to Russia.
It pained their way to come to
meetings and conferences in Russia so the Russian government could help
them promote the independent republic of Texastan or whatever.

In the immediate wake of President Trump`s victory in last year`s
presidential election, you might remember a new flurry of enthusiasm and
attention to the various efforts that – to have California secede from the
United States. That was until one of the best funded slickest California
secession outfits last year turned out to have its headquarters in Russia.
Literally they – one of the California secessionist movements had a
government-funded free office in Moscow, and their leader – the leader of
the movement who was applying to get it you know on the ballot in
California and everything was living in Siberia while running that

Russia also famously supported secession within the European Union.

The fact that Russia backs you politically doesn't mean your cause is unAmerican or anything but you have to look deeper into why Russia cares about your POV.

And so, if you know that Russia's end goal is to create political confusion, just because they give your POV airtime doesn't mean that they are doing God's work out here. Being on RT doesn't mean you are a Russian colluder necessarily, but the inability to see that you are a pawn in a bigger game seems politically naive. Under this light, Corbyn looks less like Bernie Sanders and more like Jill Stein if you catch my drift. And the inability to criticize Russia and the recent news that Russia online trolls were backing Corbyn also make me wary of him politically

Conservative MPs appear on RT. Labour MPs appear on RT. SNP, Lib Dem, UKIP were all on RT UK.

It's no secret that RT aims its pro-Russian views with the facts they have. But it's so small in comparison to the Murdoch empire and the outlets they have running news in the UK.

The fact that such a small outlet is causing such a panic among some people shows that the bigger outlets are afraid of competition.
No one is afraid of competition. Less than 1% of UK households actually watch RT (Source: 24-hour Putin people: my week watching Kremlin ‘propaganda channel’ RT).

The issue is that state sponsored propaganda has been allowed to be disseminated unchecked and in the era of fake news, people are starting to realize how dangerous it can become.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
No this isn't true Chris Hedges for instance has a show on RT and I'm pretty sure he criticized Putin on the Citations Needed podcast, but I listened to it months ago and can't be certain.:manny:

Listen to Episode 18: Fake News Panic and the Silencing of Dissident Media by Citations Needed Podcast #np on #SoundCloud

Thom Hartmann had his TV show on RT America for years. And he's no Russian bot either.

I think that big picture is where it counts. The main goal of Russia is to create discord and strengthen views that result in discord. Russia backs any horse in the race that results in political confusion.

TL;DW: Here are the transcripts

The fact that Russia backs you politically doesn't mean your cause is unAmerican or anything but you have to look deeper into why Russia cares about your POV.

And so, if you know that Russia's end goal is to create political confusion, just because they give your POV airtime doesn't mean that they are doing God's work out here. Being on RT doesn't mean you are a Russian colluder necessarily, but the inability to see that you are a pawn in a bigger game seems politically naive. Under this light, Corbyn looks less like Bernie Sanders and more like Jill Stein if you catch my drift. And the inability to criticize Russia and the recent news that Russia online trolls were backing Corbyn also make me wary of him politically

No one is afraid of competition. Less than 1% of UK households actually watch RT (Source: 24-hour Putin people: my week watching Kremlin ‘propaganda channel’ RT).

The issue is that state sponsored propaganda has been allowed to be disseminated unchecked and in the era of fake news, people are starting to realize how dangerous it can become.

Propoganda is everywhere. Our own networks are run by corporate interests (just look at the ads and who owns them, right?). Yet we have little or no investigative broadcast journalism and its all punditry. Or in the case of FOX, full blown North Korean state run style of propoganda.

It's important to have a big picture in all of it. Just as RT isn't going to criticize Putin, AlJazeera isn't going to criticize the AlThani family in Qatar, CGTN isn't going to be going after the Chinese Communist Party, and so on. One reason why I like watching Al-Jazeera is because their US-based reporters actually do look into issues of people and power.

I enjoy watching a lot of these state run outlets because I like to see what the different establishments are thinking about world affairs.

The BBC has been criticized in the UK for leaving out voices and focusing solely on a few domestic items. During the last election campaign, they along with most of the mainstream media buried Corbyn and the Labour Party as a joke with no chance. And yet they somehow made up a 20 point deficit and gained seats in a hung parliament. Corbyn has made it no secret he has opposed the UK's interventionist policies abroad and he's been a prominent anti-war voice going after his own party for many years. The fact that he's even the leader of the opposition is a huge deal because of where the British public has gone since the Tories got in power.


Dec 4, 2016
Thom Hartmann had his TV show on RT America for years. And he's no Russian bot either.

Propoganda is everywhere. Our own networks are run by corporate interests (just look at the ads and who owns them, right?). Yet we have little or no investigative broadcast journalism and its all punditry. Or in the case of FOX, full blown North Korean state run style of propoganda.
While it might not be the most popular, long form journalism is definitely concrete in the US landscape ie 60 minutes, Rachel Maddow show, Last Week Tonight, etc.

It's important to have a big picture in all of it. Just as RT isn't going to criticize Putin, AlJazeera isn't going to criticize the AlThani family in Qatar, CGTN isn't going to be going after the Chinese Communist Party, and so on. One reason why I like watching Al-Jazeera is because their US-based reporters actually do look into issues of people and power.

I enjoy watching a lot of these state run outlets because I like to see what the different establishments are thinking about world affairs.

The BBC has been criticized in the UK for leaving out voices and focusing solely on a few domestic items. During the last election campaign, they along with most of the mainstream media buried Corbyn and the Labour Party as a joke with no chance. And yet they somehow made up a 20 point deficit and gained seats in a hung parliament. Corbyn has made it no secret he has opposed the UK's interventionist policies abroad and he's been a prominent anti-war voice going after his own party for many years. The fact that he's even the leader of the opposition is a huge deal because of where the British public has gone since the Tories got in power.
I don't disagree with any of this and actively try to get my news from various sources as well. However it isn't as simple as 'everyone has biases and RT is just another biased media company'. There are hundreds of more reputable alternatives than RT and so I don't grasp the reasoning behind people who seek out alternative views from media outlets that pedal alternative facts. This is not you specifically but the argument that alternative viewpoints deserve to be heard simply because they are alternative is how we end up with punditry in the first place. They also need to be factually based which RT often has issues with.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Thom Hartmann had his TV show on RT America for years. And he's no Russian bot either.

Propoganda is everywhere. Our own networks are run by corporate interests (just look at the ads and who owns them, right?). Yet we have little or no investigative broadcast journalism and its all punditry. Or in the case of FOX, full blown North Korean state run style of propoganda.

It's important to have a big picture in all of it. Just as RT isn't going to criticize Putin, AlJazeera isn't going to criticize the AlThani family in Qatar, CGTN isn't going to be going after the Chinese Communist Party, and so on. One reason why I like watching Al-Jazeera is because their US-based reporters actually do look into issues of people and power.

I enjoy watching a lot of these state run outlets because I like to see what the different establishments are thinking about world affairs.

The BBC has been criticized in the UK for leaving out voices and focusing solely on a few domestic items. During the last election campaign, they along with most of the mainstream media buried Corbyn and the Labour Party as a joke with no chance. And yet they somehow made up a 20 point deficit and gained seats in a hung parliament. Corbyn has made it no secret he has opposed the UK's interventionist policies abroad and he's been a prominent anti-war voice going after his own party for many years. The fact that he's even the leader of the opposition is a huge deal because of where the British public has gone since the Tories got in power.

If tomorrow Corbyn joined in the RT boycott you're ass would be hanging off his pubes to proclaim some sort of ideological victory

You have NO internal guiding morals or principles.

You're a lemming.

Now you're just saying "well they all do it"

Russia is a HOSTILE nation with open propaganda outlets and you're just shrugging it off.

They used a biological weapon to assassinate someone on British soil and you're acting like this isn't the biggest International scandal after the Trump-Russia affair.

You're fukking PATHETIC


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
No. What makes any of the below shows propaganda for the Russian government?

Jeremy Corbyn wants to be Prime Minister of the UK.

Its a lot different than talking heads going on TV to burn time talking about anti-American concepts.

And this is propaganda in the sense that Russia boosts these voices to seed dissent.

And I agree wholeheartedly with guys like Taibbi and Chomsky. But they can do that with domestic indie media like Democracy Now etc.

fukk Jill Stein


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
While it might not be the most popular, long form journalism is definitely concrete in the US landscape ie 60 minutes, Rachel Maddow show, Last Week Tonight, etc.

I don't disagree with any of this and actively try to get my news from various sources as well. However it isn't as simple as 'everyone has biases and RT is just another biased media company'. There are hundreds of more reputable alternatives than RT and so I don't grasp the reasoning behind people who seek out alternative views from media outlets that pedal alternative facts. This is not you specifically but the argument that alternative viewpoints deserve to be heard simply because they are alternative is how we end up with punditry in the first place. They also need to be factually based which RT often has issues with.

Even Amy Goodman and Democracy Now will criticize Putin.

@FAH1223 and @Dirty D surely know about this, right?

Russia Today news anchor Liz Wahl resigns live on air over Ukraine crisis



Aug 31, 2013

If tomorrow Corbyn joined in the RT boycott you're ass would be hanging off his pubes to proclaim some sort of ideological victory

You have NO internal guiding morals or principles.

You're a lemming.

Now you're just saying "well they all do it"

Russia is a HOSTILE nation with open propaganda outlets and you're just shrugging it off.

They used a biological weapon to assassinate someone on British soil and you're acting like this isn't the biggest International scandal after the Trump-Russia affair.

You're fukking PATHETIC
You should learn the difference between your and you're before acting like a pompous douche.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

If tomorrow Corbyn joined in the RT boycott you're ass would be hanging off his pubes to proclaim some sort of ideological victory

You have NO internal guiding morals or principles.

You're a lemming.

Now you're just saying "well they all do it"

Russia is a HOSTILE nation with open propaganda outlets and you're just shrugging it off.

They used a biological weapon to assassinate someone on British soil and you're acting like this isn't the biggest International scandal after the Trump-Russia affair.

You're fukking PATHETIC
You should learn the difference between your and you're before acting like a pompous douche.

This fukking moron :dead:


Last Time That I Checc'd......
May 1, 2012
Jeremy Corbyn wants to be Prime Minister of the UK.

Its a lot different than talking heads going on TV to burn time talking about anti-American concepts.

And this is propaganda in the sense that Russia boosts these voices to seed dissent.

And I agree wholeheartedly with guys like Taibbi and Chomsky. But they can do that with domestic indie media like Democracy Now etc.

fukk Jill Stein

Democracy Now comes on for an hour a day there are only so many things they can cover given the time restraints. Also the woman in the last video is an anti charter school activist not Jill Stein.


Jan 20, 2015
RT has a couple of decent programs on it. It's definitely biased but so are channels like the BBC which has basically turned into a Tory mouthpiece.

I'll watch it for Alex salmons and george Galloway. :yeshrug:

And stop this Corbyn spy shyte, it's fukking unsubstantiated nonsense. Regardless of if he's sympathetic or not.