She been fine since sister act 2
and then when the breast meats started to develop on Party of Five
This chick been the one for a minute
She been fine since sister act 2
I remember when her and Sarah Michelle Gellar were the top 2 hotties in horror movies in the 90's. No one was fukking with them.@MartyMcFly @Uncle_Ruckus @Pinyapplesuckas Brehs did y'all know women HATE JLH??!! I found this out years ago from Bill Simmons' Podcast (The B.S. Report). They basically hate her because she's FINE as shyt & women feel threatened by that.
I remember when her and Sarah Michelle Gellar were the top 2 hotties in horror movies in the 90's. No one was fukking with them.
NOPE!!! I think Bill Simmons was on the money.I just googled a couple articles about why women hate her and I don't know what was said on Simmons' podcast but the articles I read made some points I could understand. It's not about her being pretty as much as it's about women having no idea who she is outside of being pretty. They want to relate and feel like she's fake
...oh and thats a body double in the ray liotta gif, fukking tease
uhh cuz she only bout that tease lifereally? Why tho lol
^No pullouts
I just googled a couple articles about why women hate her and I don't know what was said on Simmons' podcast but the articles I read made some points I could understand. It's not about her being pretty as much as it's about women having no idea who she is outside of being pretty. They want to relate and feel like she's fake
@MartyMcFly @Uncle_Ruckus @Pinyapplesuckas Brehs did y'all know women HATE JLH??!! I found this out years ago from Bill Simmons' Podcast (The B.S. Report). They basically hate her because she's FINE as shyt & women feel threatened by that.
As a laker fan and just a fan non fan of pretentious a$$holes, there's no way I'm going to listen to his podcast so can you give me the cliff notes breh?
Q: In your "Midseason Form" column, you write about how your wife hates Mariah Carey and that most women do. Try this: Tell your wife that you find Jennifer Love Hewitt attractive and you enjoy her acting. You may even be able to squeeze a whole column out of her reaction and the pure bile that women spit when hearing her name. Ask any sisters, sisters-in-law, other female friends; they all hate her universally, and it is unexplainable.
--Jack, Cleveland
SG: Just for the record, I tried this with the Sports Gal this week ... she reacted like George Brett in the Pine Tar Game. Highest of high comedy. Somebody needs to film the pilot, "Everybody Hates Jennifer."
Q: My boyfriend recently showed me a letter from one of your columns about Jennifer Love Hewitt written by some crazed woman. He tried to make the point that women are just jealous of her looks (he knows I hate her). I don't think this is true, I just think she is an incredibly bad actress. However, I countered by asking him what he thought of Ashton Kutcher. At which point he went on a long diatribe about how overrated, overexposed and terrible of an actor he is. So is Kutcher Jennifer's mirror image? Men like her and hate him and women are just the opposite.
-- Shelly D, Pasco, Wash.
Q: After watching the "Thursday Night Football" pregame show, is there now an equivalent to the "Jennifer Love Hewitt is a Great Actress" test for men? Imagine your response be if the Sports Gal remarked "Hey, I'll tell you who did a great job with that pregame show, that Freddie Prinze Jr." Even if you knew she was baiting you, could you control yourself?
-- Will Cornock, Roseland, N.J.
SG: Both excellent points. One problem though -- I don't think any guy truly takes Kutcher or Prinze seriously, whereas when USA Today showed a photo of Love Hewitt pursing her lips and trying to look sexy at the "Ghost Whisperer" press junket recently, I showed it to the Sports Gal with the comment "Doesn't she look great?" Twenty seconds later, she was still dropping F-bombs. That's why I think CBS is missing such a golden opportunity with Hewitt's new show -- she should play the world's most successful fashion model/nuclear physicist and date a never-ending string of good-looking rich guys. Women would watch every week just so they could be furious about it. I'm telling you, this would work.
Q: I thought you should know that I have discovered the male equivalent to Jennifer Love Hewitt -- a guy that most women find attractive, but when guys hear any girl say it, they get seriously pissed off. Brace yourself … it's Luke Walton. Go ahead, test the theory with your male and female friends, but I think you will find the same results.
-- Jacki, San Diego
SG: I can only tell you my reaction: Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? Luke Walton? Really? How can this be possible? THIS MAKES ME ANGRY!!!!!!!! I always pictured Luke, Sasha Vujacic and Vlad Radmanovic hanging outside some Sunset Strip club at 2:30 a.m. trying to convince three Albanian girls to come back to Walton's beach house with them, while Vlad bums cigarettes off a homeless guy, and Sasha tells the girl who might like him that whatever happens, she's not allowed to touch his hair. Now you're telling me women like Luke Walton? I'm flabbergasted. My gast is flabbered. This can't be true. You're just trying to make me angry.