This is nonsense.
My mother is a Jehova Witness. I have been to thier churches (known as Kingdom Halls) and to many of their events.
They are incredibly strict about what you can and cannot do, biblically.
You will find yourself disfellowshippped (kicked out) for something as simple as cursing regularly. You think they are protecting child molesters? Ridiculous.
I'm not saying someone somewhere didn't try and cover something up. Just that whatever this kid is talking about is not a deep-rooted institutionalized problem or a conspiracy within the organization.
Here is how you can know for certain if a group has anything to hide: Try and join.
Try and become jewish, scientologist, catholic, or anything really and start counting the hoops they want you to go through. How much it costs in fees, secrecy agreements to rise in rank, inner-circles, secret groups within groups, ranks, etc.
Go try and join a kingdom hall. They'll accept you immediately, today. They aren't concerned with being 'infiltrated' and having their secrets exposed cause they don't have any. You can walk in there in plain clothes right now. You don't even have to dress up.
And everything is free. They aren't begging you for money. Its night and day different from attending church.
And they don't do weirdo suspect shyt. They aren't scheduling away overnight camping trips and creepy shyt like churches do. Jehovah Witnesses attend a group prayer/sermon/discussion sort of thing, and also do group bible studies, abd thats it. They aren't one of those churches tryna seperate you from your kids and have your kids spend alone time with old priests and other weirdo shyt. Like I said, I've been to some of their stuff. They have religious opinions I don't adhere to... but there are no kid diddling red flags of any kind.