Jehovah's Witnesses' silencing techniques: as terrifying as child abuse


Nov 26, 2013
Jehovah's Witnesses' silencing techniques: as terrifying as child abuse
Candace Conti
Elders in my congregation knew that there was a predator in our midst. But they threatened to punish those who spoke out

Candace Conti as a child. Photograph: Candace Conti
Monday 2 March 2015 02.00 EST Last modified on Tuesday 3 March 2015 03.25 EST

Growing up in a Jehovah’s Witness family is different. As a child, I didn’t celebrate birthdays, Christmas or July 4. Nor did I, or anyone I knew, mix with non-Witness families in Little League or Girl Scouts. Instead, I spent much of my time sharing the “good news.” I used to go door-to-door on my own with a big, strong, well liked man in my congregation, named Jonathan. I was just 9 and 10 when he repeatedly sexually abused me.

It is really hard for kids to speak up when they’re abused. But the Jehovah’s Witnesses make it a lot harder.

They have a “2 Witness” rule, which says that anyone who accuses an adult of abuse must have a second witness. If there is no second witness, the accuser is punished for a false accusation - usually by ordering that no Witness may talk with or associate with the “false” accuser. This is called dis-fellowshipping. For a kid raised only with other Witnesses, it was horrifying. Even your parents would have to ignore you. It was more terrifying than Jonathan. :wtf::mindblown::childplease::what::why::dscustai::dahell:

It was the elders of my congregation who had assigned Jonathan to team up with me. When we separated from the others, he forced me into his pick-up truck and drove us to his house. Then he would say “Let’s play”. It happened too many times. Like everyone else in the congregation, my parents liked “Brother” Jonathan and trusted him in our family.

My parents were consumed with some really huge problems in those years, and later divorced. I was emotionally alone - and wanted to be the best Jehovah’s Witness I could be. That’s why I went out to field service - the door to door ministry that Witnesses are known for.

What my parents didn’t know, was that Jonathan had sexually molested another girl in our congregation. The elders knew this and had kept it a secret. They were following orders from Watchtower leaders, based in the world headquarters in New York, who in 1989 had issued a top-secret instruction to keep known child sex abusers in the congregations a secret. This instruction became Exhibit 1 at my civil trial.

The elders and the Governing Body all knew that child molesters hide in religious groups and often are people who are likeable and friendly - like Jonathan. They knew molesters would likely do it again. But they chose to ignore the safety of the kids, in favor of protecting their image - and their bank account - from lawsuits. It was all in that 1989 letter.

A recent report by the Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that they have continued to issues directives urging silence around child abuse. Last November, elders were instructed to avoid taking criminal matters like child abuse to the authorities. Instead, they were told to handle them internally in confidential committees. The report also showed that Jehovah’s Witnesses evoke the First Amendment to hide sex abuse claims.

It took me learning about Jonathan’s other victims for me to speak up. In 2009, I looked on California’s Megan’s Law website, the state’s official list of registered sex offenders. There, I found he had been convicted a few years before for sexually abusing another 8-year-old girl. I felt horribly guilty that I hadn’t spoken up about him earlier. Now, I need to stop predators from doing this again.

The only way to end this abuse is by lifting this veil of secrecy once and for all.


Nov 26, 2013
Jehovah’s Witness Leaders Accused Of Covering Up Child Sexual Abuse


Jehovah’s Witnesses have been using the 1st amendment to hide child sexual abuse claims, according to Reveal and the Center for Investigative Reporting. (Image via

Reveal reporter Trey Bundy spent more than nine months investigating the Jehovah’s Witnesses and reviewed thousands of documents. (Julia B. Chan/Reveal)

It’s been 13 years since the Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal broke. Now, a new investigation finds that the leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses have instructed elders to keep cases of child sexual abuse a secret, both from law enforcement and from their own congregations.

Memos from the religion’s parent organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, show this policy dates back at least 25 years.

Here & Now’s Robin Young talks to Trey Bundy, a reporter for the new public radio show and podcast Reveal, from the Center for Investigative Reporting, who spent the last 10 months reporting the story.

Watch a video about the Reveal investigation:


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Jehovah's Witnesses' silencing techniques: as terrifying as child abuse
Candace Conti
Elders in my congregation knew that there was a predator in our midst. But they threatened to punish those who spoke out

Candace Conti as a child. Photograph: Candace Conti
Monday 2 March 2015 02.00 EST Last modified on Tuesday 3 March 2015 03.25 EST

Growing up in a Jehovah’s Witness family is different. As a child, I didn’t celebrate birthdays, Christmas or July 4. Nor did I, or anyone I knew, mix with non-Witness families in Little League or Girl Scouts. Instead, I spent much of my time sharing the “good news.” I used to go door-to-door on my own with a big, strong, well liked man in my congregation, named Jonathan. I was just 9 and 10 when he repeatedly sexually abused me.

It is really hard for kids to speak up when they’re abused. But the Jehovah’s Witnesses make it a lot harder.

They have a “2 Witness” rule, which says that anyone who accuses an adult of abuse must have a second witness. If there is no second witness, the accuser is punished for a false accusation - usually by ordering that no Witness may talk with or associate with the “false” accuser. This is called dis-fellowshipping. For a kid raised only with other Witnesses, it was horrifying. Even your parents would have to ignore you. It was more terrifying than Jonathan. :wtf::mindblown::childplease::what::why::dscustai::dahell:

It was the elders of my congregation who had assigned Jonathan to team up with me. When we separated from the others, he forced me into his pick-up truck and drove us to his house. Then he would say “Let’s play”. It happened too many times. Like everyone else in the congregation, my parents liked “Brother” Jonathan and trusted him in our family.

My parents were consumed with some really huge problems in those years, and later divorced. I was emotionally alone - and wanted to be the best Jehovah’s Witness I could be. That’s why I went out to field service - the door to door ministry that Witnesses are known for.

What my parents didn’t know, was that Jonathan had sexually molested another girl in our congregation. The elders knew this and had kept it a secret. They were following orders from Watchtower leaders, based in the world headquarters in New York, who in 1989 had issued a top-secret instruction to keep known child sex abusers in the congregations a secret. This instruction became Exhibit 1 at my civil trial.

The elders and the Governing Body all knew that child molesters hide in religious groups and often are people who are likeable and friendly - like Jonathan. They knew molesters would likely do it again. But they chose to ignore the safety of the kids, in favor of protecting their image - and their bank account - from lawsuits. It was all in that 1989 letter.

A recent report by the Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that they have continued to issues directives urging silence around child abuse. Last November, elders were instructed to avoid taking criminal matters like child abuse to the authorities. Instead, they were told to handle them internally in confidential committees. The report also showed that Jehovah’s Witnesses evoke the First Amendment to hide sex abuse claims.

It took me learning about Jonathan’s other victims for me to speak up. In 2009, I looked on California’s Megan’s Law website, the state’s official list of registered sex offenders. There, I found he had been convicted a few years before for sexually abusing another 8-year-old girl. I felt horribly guilty that I hadn’t spoken up about him earlier. Now, I need to stop predators from doing this again.

The only way to end this abuse is by lifting this veil of secrecy once and for all.

This is nonsense.
My mother is a Jehova Witness. I have been to thier churches (known as Kingdom Halls) and to many of their events.

They are incredibly strict about what you can and cannot do, biblically.
You will find yourself disfellowshippped (kicked out) for something as simple as cursing regularly. You think they are protecting child molesters? Ridiculous.

I'm not saying someone somewhere didn't try and cover something up. Just that whatever this kid is talking about is not a deep-rooted institutionalized problem or a conspiracy within the organization.

Here is how you can know for certain if a group has anything to hide: Try and join.

Try and become jewish, scientologist, catholic, or anything really and start counting the hoops they want you to go through. How much it costs in fees, secrecy agreements to rise in rank, inner-circles, secret groups within groups, ranks, etc.
Go try and join a kingdom hall. They'll accept you immediately, today. They aren't concerned with being 'infiltrated' and having their secrets exposed cause they don't have any. You can walk in there in plain clothes right now. You don't even have to dress up.

And everything is free. They aren't begging you for money. Its night and day different from attending church.
And they don't do weirdo suspect shyt. They aren't scheduling away overnight camping trips and creepy shyt like churches do. Jehovah Witnesses attend a group prayer/sermon/discussion sort of thing, and also do group bible studies, abd thats it. They aren't one of those churches tryna seperate you from your kids and have your kids spend alone time with old priests and other weirdo shyt. Like I said, I've been to some of their stuff. They have religious opinions I don't adhere to... but there are no kid diddling red flags of any kind.


Nov 26, 2013
This is nonsense.
My mother is a Jehova Witness. I have been to thier churches (known as Kingdom Halls) and to many of their events.

They are incredibly strict about what you can and cannot do, biblically.
You will find yourself disfellowshippped (kicked out) for something as simple as cursing regularly. You think they are protecting child molesters? Ridiculous.

I'm not saying someone somewhere didn't try and cover something up. Just that whatever this kid is talking about is not a deep-rooted institutionalized problem or a conspiracy within the organization.

Here is how you can know for certain if a group has anything to hide: Try and join.

Try and become jewish, scientologist, catholic, or anything really and start counting the hoops they want you to go through. How much it costs in fees, secrecy agreements to rise in rank, inner-circles, secret groups within groups, ranks, etc.
Go try and join a kingdom hall. They'll accept you immediately, today. They aren't concerned with being 'infiltrated' and having their secrets exposed cause they don't have any. You can walk in there in plain clothes right now. You don't even have to dress up.

And everything is free. They aren't begging you for money. Its night and day different from attending church.
And they don't do weirdo suspect shyt. They aren't scheduling away overnight camping trips and creepy shyt like churches do. Jehovah Witnesses attend a group prayer/sermon/discussion sort of thing, and also do group bible studies, abd thats it. They aren't one of those churches tryna seperate you from your kids and have your kids spend alone time with old priests and other weirdo shyt. Like I said, I've been to some of their stuff. They have religious opinions I don't adhere to... but there are no kid diddling red flags of any kind.
a new investigation finds that the leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses have instructed elders to keep cases of child sexual abuse a secret, both from law enforcement and from their own congregations.

Memos from the religion’s parent organization, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, show this policy dates back at least 25 years.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
This is nonsense.
My mother is a Jehova Witness. I have been to thier churches (known as Kingdom Halls) and to many of their events.

They are incredibly strict about what you can and cannot do, biblically.
You will find yourself disfellowshippped (kicked out) for something as simple as cursing regularly. You think they are protecting child molesters? Ridiculous.

I'm not saying someone somewhere didn't try and cover something up. Just that whatever this kid is talking about is not a deep-rooted institutionalized problem or a conspiracy within the organization.

Here is how you can know for certain if a group has anything to hide: Try and join.

Try and become jewish, scientologist, catholic, or anything really and start counting the hoops they want you to go through. How much it costs in fees, secrecy agreements to rise in rank, inner-circles, secret groups within groups, ranks, etc.
Go try and join a kingdom hall. They'll accept you immediately, today. They aren't concerned with being 'infiltrated' and having their secrets exposed cause they don't have any. You can walk in there in plain clothes right now. You don't even have to dress up.

And everything is free. They aren't begging you for money. Its night and day different from attending church.
And they don't do weirdo suspect shyt. They aren't scheduling away overnight camping trips and creepy shyt like churches do. Jehovah Witnesses attend a group prayer/sermon/discussion sort of thing, and also do group bible studies, abd thats it. They aren't one of those churches tryna seperate you from your kids and have your kids spend alone time with old priests and other weirdo shyt. Like I said, I've been to some of their stuff. They have religious opinions I don't adhere to... but there are no kid diddling red flags of any kind.

The indoctrination runs deep as evidenced by your post, not to mention ignorance and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. You're essentially witnessing at the Coli. I recognize it because of my own upbringing and it's always funny to me how people not baptized within the religion or those who left feel the need to stick up for the organization.I've got significant ties to this religion as well, and that's beyond immediate family. The issue is grander than "not saying someone somewhere didn't try and cover something up" as it's an organizational procedure. Let me explain. Your right that they are strict on what members can and can't do, and you're also correct that they base this upon the Bible. Unfortunately, that also includes making accusations regarding wrongdoing, and policy around such is shaped upon a few scriptures which state emphatically that such accusations should only be made with two or three witnesses to corroborate. Think about that for a second though and ask yourself.......... how many pedophiles do their dirt with anyone to witness the act? Not to mention, child molestation does some serious emotional and pyschological damage to the victim. Like some rape victims, they may blame themselves and not come to grips with the fact they were victimized until well after the fact.

Now if they or the parents bring the accusation to their elder body, unless there is a witness to corroborate, or the perp admits guilt, nothing will likely happen. The issue is dead in the water, and the elders will advise the victim and their family to not speak to others in the congregation about what may have happened as they can then be accused of slander since nothing was conclusive. I'd strongly recomend you do some simple google searching on Jehovah's Witnesses and pedophilia to see how often this has happened. How rampant the problem is, I don't know, but it is a problem and the organization's policies contribute to the problem. Some things have changed, and I need to do my homework, but I believe in lieu of recent litigation, if an accusation is brough forward, after the elders contact the legal department of the WT which has always been standard procedure, even if it can't be proven or the accused doesn't admit guilt , if he has a position within the congregation as an elder, ministerial servant, regular pioneer, he will be removed. I could be wrong on that, as that's a fairly new change. If he is proven guilty or admits guilt, he'll be disfellowshipped (disassociated by his own actions per their legalistic lingo) and if ever reinstated he'll never serve in any capacity of a position again. Stil, when he's reinstated, NOBODY will know why he was in disfellowshipped in the first place as that's kept private.

There's more on your post I'd like to touch on, but will have to do when the time is available.


Nov 18, 2013
I've never liked that church.
I have a Jehovah's witness friend who's Jehovah witness family and friends and just general members of the congregation had to stop talking to him for a long period of time because he got caught smoking weed and when I was in a foster home the lady was one and she kept her son from doing a lot.
Not that people who are Jehovah's Witnesses are necessarily bad because I have a few friends and know good people who are but this has never sat right with me so this isn't a big surprise especially since its a church.
Pretty damn sick.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
The indoctrination runs deep as evidenced by your post, not to mention ignorance and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. You're essentially witnessing at the Coli. I recognize it because of my own upbringing and it's always funny to me how people not baptized within the religion or those who left feel the need to stick up for the organization.I've got significant ties to this religion as well, and that's beyond immediate family. The issue is grander than "not saying someone somewhere didn't try and cover something up" as it's an organizational procedure. Let me explain. Your right that they are strict on what members can and can't do, and you're also correct that they base this upon the Bible. Unfortunately, that also includes making accusations regarding wrongdoing, and policy around such is shaped upon a few scriptures which state emphatically that such accusations should only be made with two or three witnesses to corroborate. Think about that for a second though and ask yourself.......... how many pedophiles do their dirt with anyone to witness the act? Not to mention, child molestation does some serious emotional and pyschological damage to the victim. Like some rape victims, they may blame themselves and not come to grips with the fact they were victimized until well after the fact.

Now if they or the parents bring the accusation to their elder body, unless there is a witness to corroborate, or the perp admits guilt, nothing will likely happen. The issue is dead in the water, and the elders will advise the victim and their family to not speak to others in the congregation about what may have happened as they can then be accused of slander since nothing was conclusive. I'd strongly recomend you do some simple google searching on Jehovah's Witnesses and pedophilia to see how often this has happened. How rampant the problem is, I don't know, but it is a problem and the organization's policies contribute to the problem. Some things have changed, and I need to do my homework, but I believe in lieu of recent litigation, if an accusation is brough forward, after the elders contact the legal department of the WT which has always been standard procedure, even if it can't be proven or the accused doesn't admit guilt , if he has a position within the congregation as an elder, ministerial servant, regular pioneer, he will be removed. I could be wrong on that, as that's a fairly new change. If he is proven guilty or admits guilt, he'll be disfellowshipped (disassociated by his own actions per their legalistic lingo) and if ever reinstated he'll never serve in any capacity of a position again. Stil, when he's reinstated, NOBODY will know why he was in disfellowshipped in the first place as that's kept private.

There's more on your post I'd like to touch on, but will have to do when the time is available.
I don't usually bother explaining my own religion, so I'm definately not going to try and explain or defend a religion I am not even apart of. So believe what you will.
Like I said, if a kid, any kid, wanders into a kingdom hall and declares they were assaulted in any way, sexually or otherwise, the police would of been brought in Immediately. They aren't having secret 'what to do' meetings. This is my opinion based on what I have seen. If you've seen something different, that is unfortunate.

I've never liked that church.
I have a Jehovah's witness friend who's Jehovah witness family and friends and just general members of the congregation had to stop talking to him for a long period of time because he got caught smoking weed and when I was in a foster home the lady was one and she kept her son from doing a lot.
Not that people who are Jehovah's Witnesses are necessarily bad because I have a few friends and know good people who are but this has never sat right with me so this isn't a big surprise especially since its a church.
Pretty damn sick.

See, now this is much closer to what I have seen.
I absolutely believe this. As I stated in my first post, the idea that they would protect child molesters is ridiculous to me because they will disfellowship you for what anyone outside the religion would consider very minor things (like smoking, cursing, etc)
While disfellowshiped they are not allowed to speak with you, at all. Just like Piffery indicated. So for them to kick out all the people cursing and smoking while they have a massive conspiracy to harbor child abusers is absurd to me.


Apr 3, 2014
"My God co-signs fukking nine year olds and doesn't allow pork, because pigs are the devil's pet/henchman/brother/son/breh or alcohol, treats women like meat, stones people to death, treats gay people worse than dogs, and gives out 1000 lashes to people that type unholy things on the internet. What does your religion do that's fun Johnny?"

"Why thank you for asking, Muhammad. My religion co-signs slavery, raping little children without fear of reproach, using money to pay off sins, crucifixion, wiping out the entire human population of earth with floods, incest, talking snakes, and worshipping jews with thorny crowns and holes in their hands! What about you, young Mr Goldstein?"

Well some of us have to wear top hats, have curly sideburns, basically avoid women AT ALL COSTS, avoid shellfish,because clams and mussels are THE DEVIL, have male unemployment rates of 45% and claim benefits in order to study our holy torah, heavily suppress Muslims by bombing them and claiming anti-semitism if the word Jew comes up!! Oh and we have to cut bits of our dikks off. What about you, Mr. Scientist?"

"Nothing much. Just curing diseases, mapping the universe, crafting foods that are resilient, cheap, disease free and plentiful, harnessing the power of the earth to power homes and businesses, generally shaping a better future. Here, try this vaccine I spent years studying and creating. It'll lower (exotic disease of the month) rates to about 1 in 5 million."

Johnny, Muhammad, Goldstein: 'BLASPHEMY!' Only God can heal the sick!!
*dies from refusing medical treatment*