Impressive that you noted that.What he’s wearing looks like the traditional dress of Cameroon.
Oh, ok. So why repost it here, now?
Its bait. So now this thread is gonna be full of Africans and pannies loving on each other while discouraging any dissenting opinion. Regular ados such as myself who think this weird af are effectively silenced.
Thank you for proving my point.I'm guessing Jay wanted to see his roots
He seems to be alright with it
And also he is from Brooklyn which is a super melting pot of all kinds of black people
He dont seem like one of those that want to war with other black people
But hey some want to war with other black people
If that's the case let them do them
I dont believe in that because I'm from Brooklyn myself
And my family is mixed with all kinds of black folks from around the globe
It's horrible people no matter the background
And there are really good people from all backgrounds
I will never bash any black folks and say ...
"It's because of where they come from"
It's not my thing
If I recall there are Igbo in south west Cameroon also(the English speaking part of the country).....though the ethnic group I think you are talking about(in terms of attire) are not Igbo.
Is the artist Ghanaian American?
Is the artist Ghanaian American?
Heavy Ghanaian theme in the work of his shown in the thread.