my mom is only half white, first of all. so, i consider her black, since her mom is fully black. you hate yourself. you think you can't be truly black unless you're a chocolate skinned monkey looking nikka with nappy hair and lips hanging to the ground. you're a despicable racist who has an ugly image of black people. i would hate to wake up with your level of self-hatred. you must look in the mirror and hate how you lookblack people come in all different shades. brown, light, black - all beautiful, as far as i'm concerned. you should stop viewing blacks are caricatures. you sound like a cac.
Imma beat my bytch up to make sure she stays on that dime status
jason kidd is black, as is that woman. black people come in all different shades. i'm almost the same complexion as kidd, and i'm black. yall really need to get over the self-hate.
But it's pretty obvious she's not just black. Why can;t she be seen as mixed? Kid also.
is this satireeither way, why you ducking the mollywater thread fakkit
it's fact. you have an ugly view of black people. you sound like a white boy. i hope, one of day before it's too late, you begin to love your people and their beauty.
you give white people too much power.blame white people for that.
everything you said just now and yesterday shows how negatively you view black folks. you clearly hate black folks and worship whites.
blame white people for that. we need to welcome all black people who self-identify as black, and she and kidd identify as black.