What does the fact that we don't know the content of the BP movie have to do with MY comment ?
HINT: BP is defined in the MCU by a lot more than just his movie. We have the trailer(s), CA-CW, interviews (Feige, CW directors, exec producers), comic-con, press, press and image releases, general marketing. The overall picture garnered from all of that (and I have watched a ton of MCU media) is that he is regal, powerful but at no point has there been a drive to establish him as the smartest human in the MCU. Stark, Cho or Banner current hold that position from what we have seen thus far. BP and Dr. Banner are both scientists and both are doctors remember. Tony has his gadgets (IM glove, finger/helicopter suit etc from CW) and we hear about Bruce's brilliance all the time. When BP took on Bucky that was an opportunity for him to demonstrate that he was more than just a rich+strong man who can buy technology. Much as they use every waking moment to establish that Stark's mind is what makes him Iron Man they missed a trick is not even once demonstrating BP's genius. Granted it was not BP's movie BUT they made sure that they demonstrated the things that they wanted to - i.e. that he was honorable, regal and his fighting capability.
NOTE: I already stated that the suspicions raised by what we have seen thus far will be confirmed or refuted by what we see in the BP movie.
NB. I alluded to it in my first post but didn't go into specifics. The fact that they picked Boseman in the first place made it clear that they planned to nerf him but that is a separate discussion.
And after all of that we live in hope so maybe things will improve in the BP movie itself.