Essential Japanese Wrestling Discussion/News


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
Taichi campaining for the NEVER championship saying all the previous champions have been shyt.

Wasn't Suzuki one of them?:russ:

Taichi must answer to the Don :suzuki:

He flipped off Harold Meij the other night too. :mjlol:

Taichi about to ride his 'melodramatic, insubordinate high school drama student' wave all the way to midcard gold :wow:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
1974.01.29 - Jack Brisco (c.) vs. Dory Funk Jr. (NWA Heavyweight Title 2 Of 3 Falls)
The red fuzzy cloth belt :blessed: There's definitely not enough Jack footage out there, and most of what's readily available is past his prime nearing retirement and in TV matches for JCP or WWF. When you see prime Jack Brisco :gladbron:. Guy had such great technique, was such an athlete. It really shows when he's up against a former torch carrier like Dory how his look and physicality should have taken the NWA Championship to a new level, basically a new and improved Lou Thesz, but I guess it was Harley's time or something, and Harley's style was aped pretty hard by Flair so :yeshrug:Classic 70s, classic NWA, classic AJPW.

1974.01.30 - Jack Brisco (c.) vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (NWA Heavyweight Title 2 Of 3 Falls)

This is definitely a disappointment. It's 2/3 falls, but about a half hour long instead of an hour like the Dory/Jack match the night before, so it feels very rushed and the falls end before they really get into anything meaty. Jumbo had better matches with a lot of other guys around this time (Baba, Dory/Terry, Harley, etc). I don't know why but they didn't click very much.

1974.04.27 - The Destroyer vs. Abdullah The Butcher
Destroyer comes in with his fist heavily taped and most of the match is seeing who can cheat more/better. Destroyer bleeds through his mask, Abby gets hit with his own spike repeatedly, and everyone had a good time.

1974.06.13 - Giant Baba (c.) vs. Pedro Morales (PWF Heavyweight Title 2 of 3 Falls)

This is interesting to me mostly because I was thinking about making a thread about Pedro and if he and Vince had some secret falling out since his period as champion is NEVER mentioned outside of a 30 second clip during National Hispanic Heritage month. There's also not much footage of him out there from his prime, only his early to mid 80s comeback run where all he did was clap his hands and throw punches. This was fairly short for a 2/3 falls match (not even 20 minutes) but each fall had a strong, decisive ending and it was pretty impressive. I'd like to see more of this Pedro and less of 1986 Pedro. Once in a while Baba throws some stank on the falling lariat and you know shyt is a wrap.

1974.06.13 - Gorilla Monsoon vs. Anton Geesink
This is contested under some weird mixed rules, as Gorilla is wearing a gigantic judogi top that he can't keep on straight or tied up and spends the entire match fukking with it and is full :beli: the entire match, which is mostly him trying to stop Anton from actually throwing his ass. Both guys are completely gassed like half way in and Gorilla's reactions to his jacket and having to keep going are hilarious.

1974.06.13 - Jumbo Tsuruta-The Destroyer vs. Kevin Sullivan-Johnny Rodz

The WWWF/AJPW relationship didn't seem very equal. Baba showed up in MSG I think twice during the 70s, Jumbo/Destroyer/Funks never showed up (well the Funks did but not part of AJPW exchange), I don't even recall lower card AJ guys popping up on WWWF shows. Meanwhile, Vince Sr. is sending over Bruno/Pedro/Gorilla/bunch of mid carders. And you know what? This is surprisingly fun. The bar for mid carder in 1970s WWWF isn't very high, but this was good. Jumbo's relationship with Destroyer being 100% based around Destroyer teaching Jumbo how to cheat better is always :bryan:, Jumbo and Sullivan randomly beat the shyt out of each other with elbows, and there were a lot of fun spots in this. Instead of feeling like one company's match in the other promotion's area like most mixed company matches, this actually feels like a 50/50 split of WWWF and AJPW at this time, which is pretty neat.

1974.07.05 - Thunder Sugiyama vs. George Steele
Another example of this lopsided relationship. George Steele was a big star for the WWWF at the time, having good drawing programs with both Bruno and Pedro. Here, he jobs cleanly to a fukking snapmare and weak chop in 6 minutes to a decidedly mid carder. :why: Also it dawned on my that George Steele was basically the white Abdullah before the 80s comedy stuff, yet they never got booked against each other or as a team except once in the 60s before Steele even had the Animal gimmick.

1974.07.25 - Giant Baba-Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Bob Backlund-Bob Roop
Jumbo and Bob had a number of singles matches in 1974 and 1975, but none of them seem to exist online :mjcry: Would have loved to see them have a match 5 years later when Bob was really embracing his weirdness and Jumbo had really come into his own as a top guy. This gets quite chippy, unsurprising since everyone hates Bob Roop. I know I said I didn't want to do gifs but then Bob tries to murder Jumbo and :damn::damn:


1974.07.25 - The Destroyer (c.) vs. Mil Mascaras (PWF US Heavyweight Title 2 Of 3 Falls)

More exhibitiony than the match included from 1973, but frustration and tempers flare around the halfway point and they take it into a higher gear all the way up to the finish. Mil's reputation has been pretty poor for decades now, to the point where people seem to forget the reason he became a worldwide star in the first place. It's not just because he had cool masks.

1974.08.29 - Giant Baba-The Destroyer vs. dikk Slater-Karl Kox

This isn't quite dikk Murdoch/Terry Funk as a team, but it's pretty close. Killer Karl Kox :mjpls: trained Murdoch, and Murdoch was basically a clone of him in the ring, and dikk Slater would go on to be one of the finest Terry Funk impersonators to ever live, although it wasn't quite as pronounced at this stage in his career. Destroyer is probably the guy who the "could have a good match against a broomstick" phrase was probably invented for, so this is pretty fun.

Holy shyt at that brainbuster by Bob :damn: someone should use that as a finisher :mjgrin:

Agreed on Brisco, I thought NWA on Demand would have more Jack but nope :francis:


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
I never knew KENTA and Shibata were a tag team. :ohhh:

Saw a match with them against Misawa and Go. Jesus Christ, they made them their bytch. I think ShibatA concuss Go on the finish.:picard:


May 18, 2015
It gave us Andre vs Harley and God vs Harley, that's enough to deserve praise :ehh:

Did Billy The Booker end the service or something? Why can't I find a link to this fukking service? The NWA doesn't even have a regular website. :mjlol:


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Did Billy The Booker end the service or something? Why can't I find a link to this fukking service? The NWA doesn't even have a regular website. :mjlol:

Yeah, it was shot down last year.

Rob D uploaded a lot of the matches on youtube


May 18, 2015
It should have been a youtube service from the jump tbh. I'm sure they would have made more monetizing random 70s/80s stuff with Flair/Dusty/Harley/Funks on youtube than having to pay for hosting, bandwidth, and a third party to run their terribly optimized videos. WHY THE fukk DID THEY STRETCH EVERYTHING TO 16x9 :damn:


May 18, 2015
1974.08.29 - Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Dory Funk Jr. (2 of 3 Falls)
:ahh: Student vs Teacher, Dory doing shyt you rarely ever see from him (like kip ups), crushing suplexes, Dory respecting when his pupil picks up a fall but also having no problem being a surly c*nt when need be, young Jumbo :ahh: Interesting finish that might have been more common at the time, but is unheard of now: Jumbo struggling to bridge with Dory on top of him ends up getting pinned because the ref doesn't just stop the count and wait for him to do the bridge. It might have not even been intentional, but either way it ended up great storywise because Dory got the clean win, but Jumbo wasn't decisively pinned in 2 falls, it was just a rookie mistake that beat him in the end.

1974.11.21 - Mighty Inoue (IWA World Heavyweight c.) vs. Verne Gagne (AWA World Heavyweight c.) (IWE)
Hard to judge what I assume was a 30-60 minute match chopped up into 9 minutes, but what's on the file seemed fun. Verne is another guy, like Jack Brisco, where there's not enough footage of him from his prime (which was probably the 50s and 60s, definitely not mid 70s) to understand why he was such a star and draw. Even in the mid 70s, despite looking like an insurance salesman, you can still see flashes of greatness left in him.

1974.12.02 - Giant Baba vs. Jack Brisco (c.) (NWA World Heavyweight c.)
Greatness. Jack is an absolute pitbull attacking Baba's leg the whole match, constantly grabbing for an ankle and wrenching holds. He never stops moving even in rest holds. He's also bumping like a mad man. This and the Inoki match from JWA that was basically the original UWF match are probably the best performances I've personally seen from Brisco and two matches that anyone interested in Jack Brisco should absolutely watch. Baba somewhat uncharacteristically actually uses his size and weight for leverage while in holds, mostly because he HAS to or Jack will wrap his ass up. Baba also puts on a great performance, and the crowd and AJ crew getting hyped as Baba is about to hit the falling lariato :mjgrin:. Of course Baba only held the title for a week, but this was for sure a title change worthy match from all involved.

1974.12.02 - Ken Mantell-Pat O'Connor vs. Akihisa Takachiho-Jumbo Tsuruta (2 Of 3 Falls)
Man, Pat was 50 years old in this and legit as fukk. Some absolutely gnarly mat work, still in great physical condition (multiple unassisted kip ups even deep into the match, straight up out wrestling Jumbo, very quick, very spry). Yeah he LOOKED like an old, lumpy, saggy guy, but he was obviously still in great shape and seeing him at 50 outworking guys half his age in a quite physical style and then how someone like Taker just walking looks like he's going to shatter for the past 8 years is crazy. Pat's another guy there isn't much out there from his prime, which was again in the 50s and 60s, but there is that great Chicago Film Archive that has legit classic wrestling from the 50s and 60s with guys like Pat O'Connor, Lou Thesz, Buddy Rogers, Gorgeous George, Verne Gagne, and a lot of these names that you've heard since you were a kid but maybe never even saw a match with them. Chicago Film Archives presents "Wrestling from Chicago" Absolutely check that out if you want to go DEEP into wrassle history and nerdery.

1974.12.05 - Giant Baba (c. PWF Heavyweight/c. NWA Heavyweight Title) vs. Jack Brisco

The rematch, but quite a bit different than their match a few days prior. For one, Jack is much more measured, as being overly aggressive cost him his title. Baba goes to great lengths to avoid the figure four at all costs as that was the one thing that beat him in the last match. There's a great payoff in the very first fall where the ending of the first fall from the last match (Russian leg sweep from Baba) gets kicked out of, so he immediately goes for what he won the third fall with (falling lariat) only for Jack to counter that and hit a backdrop to win the first fall, putting Baba's reign in doubt since his previous tricks aren't working this time. By the third fall, BABA is the one getting overly aggressive, and Jack basically tries to bait/ropeadope him into making the same kind of mistakes he made in their last match. Multimatch psychology :ohlawd: Greatness. Sadly the match where Jack wins the title back doesn't seem to be around. Also look at this shyt:

1974.12.05 - Ken Mantell (c.) vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title)

Lol at pro wrestling's definition of junior/cruiserweight. In boxing it's 200 and under (some areas still do 190 and under). In MMA, 206 and up is heavyweight. In wrestling, it can be anywhere from 205 to 230. Obviously, neither Ken Mantell nor Jumbo are anywhere close to even a WCW cruiserweight. They both had a color guard for their entrances :why:


May 18, 2015
I feel like I'm spamming at this point since I get through these matches so fast since I watch all the down parts either a 1.5x speed or scrub through them a few seconds at a time. I'm doing an AJPW Archive rec list along the way similar to Mr. Lariato/Bootaaay/British Monsoon/Limey Mcfukkface's NJPW World rec list.

1975.02.05 - Terry Funk-Dory Funk Jr. (c.) vs. Giant Baba-Jumbo Tsuruta (NWA International Tag Team Titles - San Antonio TX)

I'm pretty sure you could get Terry and the corpses of Baba/Jumbo/Dory and you'd get a 4 star match in 2018. Every interaction is perfection. The different atmosphere and dark, smoky look gave the match a different vibe than if it was in Japan, and they went full blast AJPW classic instead of the normal kind of half assed showings you'd see from big name Japanese guys in the US in the 70s/80s. I think 30 years of Terry as middle aged and crazy guy makes you forget that he was a super athletic high spot guy once upon a time. Baba throws what I have no doubt was the hardest chop of his career in this.

1975.03.13 - Giant Baba-Jumbo Tsuruta (c.) vs. Terry Funk-Dory Funk Jr. (NWA International Tag Team Titles)
The Funks are always tough, but respectful with Jumbo, but here they seem pretty pissy and try to hurt him throughout the match, up to and including a piledriver on the floor. Perhaps they were upset about being embarrassed by dropping the titles in Texas. Baba comes off the top rope in this! Another classic.

1975.03.13 - Jack Brisco (c.) vs. Bobo Brazil (NWA World Heavyweight Title)
Bobo is years out of his prime by this point, but this is interesting because it's a much different side of Jack you get to see. Bobo is now some kind of savage, starting the match with a mouthful of food that keeps falling out of his mouth, and he scores a shocking first fall win in like 45 seconds. Instead of a technical battle of human chess, Jack is forced to be a fired up babyface fighting from underneath trying to chop down this monster and having to deal with Rufus R. Jones causing trouble on the floor.

1975.04.10 - Giant Baba (c.) vs. dikk The Bruiser (PWF Heavyweight Title. 2 Of 3 Falls)
Boy is this heated. dikk The Bruiser was, again, definitely years out of his prime, but what he did he did well. And that's punching and creating chaos. Baba gets a full crimson mask that also bleeds all over DTB, dikk repeatedly tries to literally murder Baba, Baba goes crazy and responds by also trying to literally murder dikk, Baba's crew and dikk's crew (Bob Orton Jr. and some guy I don't recognize) get into a big brawl on the floor, even Lord James Blears got involved trying to hit dikk with the title belt. And then after the match dikk came after Baba and Jumbo with a fukking hammer :mjlol:

1975.04.10 - Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Bob Orton Jr. (Champion Carnival Prelim Block C First Round)
Just a good, sprint paced intense technical battle between two young studs.

1975.04.10 - Mr. Wrestling-Killer Kowalski vs. The Destroyer-Kutsuwada
Definitely skippable, but I am curious to know why after 20 years of touring Japan that Killer Kowalski is now wearing a mask.

1975.07.19 - Anton Geesink vs. Chavo Guerrero
Inititally the size difference looks ridiculous, but it turns out to be a pretty even match except when Anton decides to pick up Chavo with such ease that it's scary. He actually double clutched in a Backlund/Gotch lift at one point without even a hint of struggle. :picard:

1975.07.19 - Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Fritz Von Erich (2 of 3 Falls)

Fritz and Baba famously had the first main event in the Budokan about 10 years prior, and as Baba was on commentary, Fritz immediately starts shyt with him and ends up in a pull apart before the match even starts:mjlol:. So Jumbo then gets tired of Fritz fukking with Baba and jumps him to score a quick first fall, only to get busted open HEAVILY in the next falls and get put in the claw about 50 times. I think, literally, the only thing Fritz did was the claw, an eye poke, a punch, and a kick the entire match, but it was still interesting somehow. At this point you can see Jumbo starting to bulk up, starting to grow into his more familiar lumpy dad bod.

1975.07.19 - The Spirit (Karl Kox) vs. Samson Kutsuwada
I don't know the exact story on why Kox was in mask as The Spirit, but I gather it was to fukk with The Destroyer, as before the match he made the commentators read the newspaper showing him pinning Destroyer, then did a number of Destroyer tricks, most notably the loaded headbutt of which there were MANY, busting Kutsuwada open pretty bad. He'd continue the punishment until Destroyer himself came out to call for it to end.

1975.07.25 - Bobby Duncum-Bob Remus (Sgt. Slaughter) vs. Jumbo Tsuruta-Anton Geesink
This isn't particularly good or interesting, but holy shyt Sarge with a headful of feathered hair dressed in an American flag robe is a fukking trip :russ:

1975.07.25 - Giant Baba vs. Fritz Von Erich (Texas Death Match #1 Contender NWA Heavyweight Title)
Weirdly this has way more going on in it than the Fritz/Jumbo match. Fritz gets a terrible gash behind his ear in the first few minutes from something, I couldn't tell what, but it was gross looking.

1975.07.25 - The Destroyer vs. The Spirit (Karl Kox)
Two lumpy white guys punching and headbutting each other with foreign objects for 20+ minutes:blessed: Jumbo helping Destroyer hide his object :mjgrin:. Bleeding through a mask :merchant:

1975.10.12 - Giant Baba-Anton Geesink vs. Stan Hansen-Bobby Jaggers
Idk when the switched flipped for Hansen, but it definitely was after he stopped bleaching his hair. The most interesting thing about this match is the venue, which I initially thought was on a beach but might be in a giant open mall or hangar.

1975.10.12 - The Destroyer (c.) vs. Abdullah The Butcher (PWF US Heavyweight Title)
This venue is at least partially outside and all I can make out of it is that there's a giant blue and white starfish structure in the middle of the place. Anyway it's exactly the match you'd think it was: Destroyer working for two while Abdullah does nothing but punches/bytching/stabbing, and both guys bleeding. Fans were NOT happy with the title change. Abby had DA HEAT.

1975.10.30 - Abdullah The Butcher (c.) vs. Jumbo Tsuruta (US Heavyweight Title 2 of 3 Falls)
The video file for this looks like it was made for a Nokia brick phone :what:320x176 :skip:Jumbo gets wiped out a few times in this, Abby takes a few bumps, and there's a lot of Jumbo kicking Abby in the head. A LOT. Like 10 minutes out of 13.

1975.10.30 - Giant Baba vs. Kintaro Oki
Baba comes in with an open cut, so it's not a surprise that he gets busted open. They literally don't even interact for 75% of the match, then it's all headbutts from Oki until Baba quickly puts him down with a falling lariat. Then Abby comes out, argues with and attacks Oki, then while the crew is holding Oki back, Abby attacks Baba.

1975.10.30 - The Destroyer vs. Stan Hansen
On paper you see these names and :gladbron:, but in reality this was still long bleached hair Stan Hansen who hadn't leveled up, and it's a pretty light affair where Destroyer does Destroyer things and make the still youngster Stan look like a stooge. It's fun, but not great or must see. I recall being very disappointed the first time I saw it, but recognize it as pretty fun fluff without the expectations attached to it.

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Holy shyt at that brainbuster by Bob :damn: someone should use that as a finisher :mjgrin:

Agreed on Brisco, I thought NWA on Demand would have more Jack but nope :francis:
Davey Richards did early in his career. Had a name for it that encompasses all the charisma and splendor that he brings. He called it the "DR Driver" :wow: There probably wasnt a worse person to attempt that move but Davey's gonna Davey...