Taichi: Garbage
Taguchi: Garbage
Volodor: Pretty unimpressive
Taka: Flabby and Sick
Liger: He's 50 something years old, come on
Kanemura: Garbage
Dragon Lee: Fun
Ricochet: Fun
Ospreay: Sometimes fun, often too stupid to find entertaining
Scurll: Dog shyt
Takahashi: Da gawd
Tiger Mask IV: Sucked even 20 years ago
Desperado: Meh
ACH: Didn't have particularly good showings, also in a shytty block, though
Bushi: Eh
Combine that with most of the matches being interchangeable with fancy flippy counters to start, a bunch of poses, teases of a dive, then a dive, an apron bump, a corner move, finishing sequence where the actual finisher is less devastating than the move done right before it. Some of those half assed house show one cam shot matches getting 4+ stars from DM is his NJPW boner showing as usual. Those same matches on 205 Live would have people shytting on them for being boring or pointless. If you agree with Dave's assessment of the quality if the BOTSJ, I ain't stopping you. You like what you like. I was bored to shyt and having not yet seen Ospreay/Kushida, I'd say the best match was probably Liger vs Takahashi, just because it didn't follow the strict formula that the other matches seemed to.
I'm not begging for big stories during BOTSJ, but they weren't even particularly impressive from an athletic/bump standpoint, either. At some point cartwheeling and backflipping out of an arm ringer is pretty boring.