The whole reason she made the video is what I'm talking about. There are more Jamaicans living outside the country especially Canada, America and Britain than Jamaica itself. The infrastructure of the country is a joke. No jobs. Education for a "regular" person in the country is a joke. Little to no opportunities. Sellout government especially to china. Weed is illegal despite that being one of the main reasons the country is known (could have a whole industry around that). Alot of people in the country depend on people like the women in the video to send back money to keep them afloat. She spends every other dollar of hers giving back then when everything is all said and done. Barely has anything left for herself.
I really dont know what can be done at this point. Country is broke broke. nikkas living a full fantasy if they think theyre getting reparations from britain so thats not an option either. And with china closing in its getting worse in the country. Within the next 50 years it wouldn't shock me to to start seeing more half Asian half black people as the buffer class that stays on top with the actual black people there on the bottom. I know it sounds like I'm rambling but theres too much going wrong in the country for me to put in one post tbh.