Brehs are stuck in a perpetual rut, but have too much misplaced pride to admit the situation is untenable long term so instead pretend for the public at large. Zero substance.
Black kids from poverty getting bullied and tormented by materialistic a$$holes for their hair and attire..forcing them to acquire shyt illegally to avoid the ridicule because they dont have the money at home. That is how it starts.
You dont see white kids doing that shyt. They were inexpensive bland shyt and no one gave a shyt, but try that at a Black school.
Thats why I initially said I highly respect Mr. Durant. Hes showing Black boys they can make it without the bullshyt.
and I know a lot of these barbers are greedy, and used COVID to price gouge their services. No way that a person that was paying $15 to $20 for a cut in 2019 has to pay $65 for one in 2023.