she still gets attention.
What's the point of being attractive and shapely if she can't get fukked?
Probably a lie to avoid getting pregnantWe all saw it coming since Molly said herself that she can't have sex cause of her disease. She went on a talk show and talk about it.
We all saw it coming since Molly said herself that she can't have sex cause of her disease. She went on a talk show and talk about it.
Expound on this my good brother, what disease?!
this.These people always look like such idiots when they do the whole get married only to divorce a couple years later thing.
Jalen says in court docs the marriage broke down irretrievably after Qerim moved to Connecticut.
severe endometriosis
Endometriosis - Symptoms and causes
Symptoms include not being able to give Jalen some p*ssy
Women can have sex with Endometriosis bruh. It’s just at some points it’s painful so some women go thru spurts of not wanting to. It also can effect hormones. But plenty women have sex with Endometriosis. If she’s done with kids it can be solved with a hysterectomy. Pain gone.severe endometriosis
Endometriosis - Symptoms and causes
Symptoms include not being able to give Jalen some p*ssy
severe endometriosis
Endometriosis - Symptoms and causes
Symptoms include not being able to give Jalen some p*ssy
Probably a lie to avoid getting pregnant